Chapter 19

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"What's the plan?" I ask, keeping my poker face.

"Well, I was thinking, maybe you could go talk to Richelle." Amanda says hesitantly. Then she quickly adds, "Just to see what she knows, I don't expect you two to become best friends."

I nod, trying to figure out all the pros and cons. If I don't do this, someone will die. If I do, I can die. It's a lose lose situation but I would rather risk my life than someone else's.

"Yeah sure, what kind of information are you looking for?" I ask, my lips are in a firm line.

"Anything to do about this whole kidnapping thing. You know how she is, heck, she can work for the FBI if that girl can keep her mouth shut." Amanda says.

"What do you mean 'keep her mouth shut?'" I ask suspiciously.

"She can't keep a secret. Have you seen her?" I have only seen Richelle once after Michelle's death. She talked to me when I was still in the hospital. The maddness behind her briliant eyes were impeccable. "It's eating her away inside because she can't tell anyone what she knows."

There is a short pause.

"How do you know that?" I ask, with even more suspicion than before.

"I'm tired of playing twenty questions. Can we just get started? Go to Richelle's and ask her what she knows." Amanda informs.

"I'm just supposed to go to her house?" I shriek. "If she is going crazy I don't think my uninvited visit will help."

"Fine, meet up with her tomorrow. You are going to school right?"

I look down at myself. The bandages are still making me look like a mummy and my headache still hasn't died down. I'm not healed but no matter what, I can't waste anymore time.

"Yeah, I'm going."

"Good. I'll meet you there." Amanda's perky voice gives away her excitment, it's not every day a sophmore gets to hang around a junior.
I wake up the next morning to a dark drizzly sky. It's Monday. I groan but still find the strength to drag myself out of bed and into the shower.

My mom offers to drive me to school, I don't turn down the offer because I can't drive and my car is back at the accident. Once we reach the school, I hurry out the door before my mom can give me a kiss but I regret it the moment I get out of the car. The pain killers have worn off and all I feel now is pain. While wincing, I hobble off to class.

When I'm inside, people just look at me. No snarky side comments are made, no one throws me any dirty looks, they just watch me. As fast as my one good foot can take me, I run to my locker.

I exchange my books as fast as I can.

"Emily!" Someone growls behind me.

I don't dare to turn around but something grabs my shoulders and forces me to.

Suddenly, I'm pinned against my locker. Someone is holding the collar of my shirt and is pressing down on my left shoulder. I wince at the pain.

"How dare you!" The same low growl is used.

"What-" I deny.

"HOW DARE YOU!" I look at the person more carefully this time. There are dark purple circles under their eyes as if they are bruised and the eyes are bloodshot. The eyelids are limp and a tight dry grimace is stuck on this person's face. Rough hands are now skimming my neck, probably planning the best place to choke me.

"Richelle-" I gasp.

"How. Can. You. Do. This. I know Emily. I know everything." Richelle responds in her low threatening voice.

"I don't know what you-" She doesn't let me finish.

"Where is she? Huh? HUH! I know what you did. How could you!" Richelle is so close to me I can see ever vein on her face.

"What are you talking about?" I stammer, trying to look for help - or at least see past Richelle - but nothing seems to work, in the end, I'm blocked by my former friend.

"AH!" Richelle screams. It's not a cry-for-help scream or a I'm-in-pain scream. It's a mental sream. There is nothing for her to be mad about. At least, none that I can think of.

"RICHELLE!" Someone calls. Then I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders but the peircing scream hasn't died down yet. Instead, it's become even more violent and menacing.

I open my eyes, not even realizing they closed. Richelle is being held back by Eldon and Amanda. She keeps thrashing at them - mainly Amanda - but their grips don't seem to loosen.

Richelle's eyes never wander from me. It's as if she is waiting for the perfect time to jump me. She charges foward but Eldon catches her before her second step hits the ground. He pushes Richelle to the ground. I'm afraid he hurt her but she just flinches and tries to get up again. Amanda pins her down.

I stare at the whole scene. Richelle swatting at nothing, Amanda pinning Richelle down as much as possible, Eldon rushing over to me. I fall onto him as he gentily sets me on the ground. Once he lets go of me, I collapse.

After what seems like an hour, I see police men run into the hall. They lift Amanda off of Richelle and force Richelle into silver handcuffs.

Amanda brushes herself off and comes over to me. Over all that fuss, I can't seem to feel any pain. I can't feel anything in that matter. All I can think about is what Richelle said: Where is she?

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