Chapter 41

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I start to get ready for my date with Eldon. Now that I know where I'm going, I need to plan out what I'm going to wear. It's a hard process but I soon find it completely impossible to find an outfit that is cute yet warm and 60's but comtemperary.

"Ugh." I sigh at my closet that looks like it just threw up - which I think it did.

I look at my clock. 4:58. I have only a little more than an hour to get ready.

I find a pair of jeans and a tank top and put those on. Then I slip on a cardigan and some boots. I go into the bathroom and start to cover up my naked face in makeup. After failing to even apply concealer, I wash everything off and just stick to eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. The thought then occurs to me that the lipstick will wipe off while I'm eating so I wipe it off and apply lip balm instead.

Wait! What will I order? Will we even eat? I don't know what this place serves. Do I order or does he do it for me?

My incessant thoughts keep running through my head as I start to do my hair.

After brushing my hair so much that it starts to stick to my brush, I start to play around with it.

Do I tie it up? no, it's not flattering enough. Do I curl it? it'll look like I'm trying too hard. What if I just leave it down? I'll seem like I'm not trying hard enough.

I finally settle on a tie-back.

I glance back up at the clock. 5:34. I have a little under forty-five minutes to put myself together.

"Okay Emily." I look at myself in the bathroom mirror, "Don't freak out. It's not like this is your first date. It's just your first date with a guy you actually like..." That doesn't help my confidence at all, "Scratch that. Um. You can do it. Just think of it like you're going out with a friend. But I don't go out with my friends very often, I usually watch a movie at their house." I can't seem to make myself feel better.

"Okay, you know what Emily." I stare myself right in the eye, "Your life is very much screwed up right now and this might be the only normal thing that will happen to you in a very long, long time. It doesn't have to be the perfect night. It doesn't even have to go well. You just have to go through it and hope that Eldon won't hate you in the end which he won't, he can't. So just go out there and enjoy your night out and don't forget to be normal." That puts a very warm and adrenaline filled feeling in my heart, "I'm ready."

I give myself one last glance before I walk out of the bathroom and start to gather up my things. While I was scavenging through my closet, I found a bag that seems to fit my outfit pretty well. I drop my phone in along with my wallet. Before I zip it up, my phone lights up with a text. It's Eldon:

Can you bring over one of Riley's journals? I want to help you figure it out.

Great. Just as I have one chance to be normal, fate has to throw in more crazy.

I text him back one single word:


After the text is sent, I pick up a journal from the bag and go downstairs to wait.

The time on my phone is 5:56. Eldon will be here soon.

To pass the time, I read Riley's journal. I think I've read this before but it's not like I don't need a refesher. Her words still sound very foreign to me other than the threatening part because that's when I get scared and look over my shoulder.

I hear a car pull up on my driveway. Then a door opens and closes. The footsteps are almost inaudible behind the idoling car engine but I can still make out everytime a foot hits the ground. Then the doorbell rings and I leap to my feet.

I can see Eldon's shadow through the window in the door. I run up to the front door and grab my jacket while I awkwardly open the door for him.

"You ready?" Eldon asks as I slip my arm under his.

"Yes." I smile as I walk out the door and lock it behind me.

"So, how did you figure it out?" Eldon smirks as we walk down the stairs of my front porch and towards his car.

"I saw an advertisment for the Ride & Roll at the library." I smile sheepishly as Eldon opens the door for me.
"Huh." he grunts in approval then goes around the car to his side.

"So..." I say as I put on my seat belt.

"You know this doesn't have to be awkward right?"

"I was actually hoping it would be awkward." I shrug.

Eldon's expression is confused so I rush to explain it to him.

"It's just, sort of like." I breathe and calm myself down before I start again, "Everything is so messed up right now, I was just hoping for a night of normal." I sigh, hoping I didn't offend him because he seems to be having second thoughts.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like I wouldn't like where you are taking me it's just like-" Eldon cuts me off.

"Don't worry. I'll make it as awkward as you want." I laugh at his statement.

Eldon starts the car and we start to drive towards the outskirts of town.

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