Chapter 28

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Eldon takes me home. The car ride is silent but it's not like we have nothing to say. The problem is that we have too much to say. A smile is pressed on my face and I can't seem to get it off.

The dark road seems to expand forever and I'm hoping it does. We are the only ones on this deserted and narrow path so the car's headlights only shine a few feet ahead. My eyelids start to droop. I'm tired but I stay awake; at least, I'm trying to. I feel my head fall onto something hard and warm; Eldon. I hear him laugh then his hand touches my arm and he whispers:

"Go to sleep." His voice is sweet as honey and I can't help but listen to his instructions. I fall asleep.

After an hour of bumps and turns and bright lights shining in my dreams, I wake up.

"Emily. You're home." Eldon shakes my shoulders gentily.

I open my eyes first, hoping to see more road but, like Eldon said, I'm home. I'll return to my empty bed with an empty house and a head with an overflowing amount of questions.

"I don't want to go." I moan quietly. These are the first words I've said since I've woken up from my cat nap so my voice sounds scratchy.

"Come on." Eldon coaxes.

"Carry me." I request.

Eldon seems unimpressed but I hold out my arms. He laughs then exit his car. He meets me on my side the lifts me up as if I am a baby. I smile and so does he. My arms wrap around his neck. Eldon takes me up my front porch then stops at the door.

"Go home." Eldon whispers kindly.

"I will." I giggle.

Eldon smiles then lets me down gentily.

"Please stay" I hug him. My head doesn't even make it up his shoulder so I'm on my tippy-toes.

"I won't leave."

"Come in."

Eldon lets go of me then holds my arms so tight you would think I would fall if he let go.

"What time have you been going to sleep at, Emily?" He asks. That's a very odd question to ask but I suppose I like it better than the ones I have to deal with.

"I don't know. Why?" That's a pretty honest answer.

"Because it's two-thirty AM and the bags under your eyes are showing." Eldon says.

"Oh." I whisper self-conciously.

"Go to bed. I'll take you to school in the morning." He whispers then I don't feel the strong hands anymore.

"Bye Eldon." I whimper but I don't think he can hear me. Eldon is in his car already.

I turn around then enter my house. It's dark and empty. My parents aren't home. They have been making big deals about leaving me unattended but they've realized I can't be cooped up in the house. If I get kidnapped, it'll be my problem and I don't think my parents will feel positive about my attempts on trying to find a killer.

I turn on the lights in the kitchen. A note is left of the refrigerator that says:

We are going to be gone for a while. Dinner's in the oven. Be safe and come back by 10 PM. Love you. -Mom

I pull the sticky note off the stainless steel door and throw it into the garbage.

I twirl my way upstairs then fall onto my bed as gracefully as possible. I shake off my shoes and clothes. For the past two weeks, I have't been thinking about anything except for Riley and Richelle and dead people I want to be with and the live people I have to run away from. For the first time in two weeks, I'm able to think of something else; something not so tragic. Something I like. Eldon. I like Eldon. No. I love Eldon. I love him.
I see sunlight peeking through my closed eyes. It's morning already? I glance up at my clock that is placed inconvienently over top of my bed. 7:23. Wow. I had a very quick sleep. Then something flashes in my mind that makes me smile. Eldon.

I dash to my window. No one is outside. All the cars that used to park on the roads because their garages have no space or they are blocking their husbands' cars in the morning when they have to wake up at six to beat the traffic when going to work, have all found space in the garage or have made a parking scheduele. No stray bikes are by the street. Dog walkers are all inisde. The road seems vacant. Ever since Riley was reported missing, everyone has been taking caution. This doesn't phase me anymore. Two weeks of something and it starts to feel fimiliar.

That makes me realize, I've gotten used to the silence in the house and the loudness of my mind. It doesn't bother me that my parents are all wrapped up about Riley that they don't even bother to look if I'm still alive, just that I'm not dead. I'm used to having my guard up and screaming my head off. I've gotten used to death and murder and the like. This isn't new anymore.

I figure out what I'm looking for again. Eldon. He said he will pick me up for school. Never have I ever wanted to go to school so badly. Before he comes, I rush to the bathroom to take a shower. I take the time to shave and put on perfume that will land me in detention. My never-before-used makeup pallette is sitting right next to me. Without thinking, I take the brush and start applying colour to wherever I think it goes. I change into an outfit that is way too showy and cold. Then I stop. Who am I trying to impress? I strip off my clothes and rub off as much of my smelly perfume and badly done makeup as I can. Instead, I grab my deodorant and usual outfit, jeans and a sweater.

Downstairs, I hear the garage door open and people talking. My mom and dad. They've been avoiding the house as much as I have been, knowing that if they come home, they will be reminded that one of their kids are gone. But if anything, they are avoiding me. I haven't been talking to them very much lately - much less than any other teenage girl - and they don't seem to want to talk to me. I guess Riley is so much like me, that every time they see me, they see Riley. At least they are able to get away from this crazy life just by leaving the house. I have to carry this burden with me wherever I go.

There is a plate of pancakes on the table but I skip past them and pull out some yogurt from the fridge. After eating my daily serving of dairy, I run upstairs to get my backpack. Before I can make it down, I hear the doorbell ring.

"Coming." I yell as I pick up my pace and bolt down the stairs two at a time.

I open the door then struggle to put on my boots.

"Hey." Eldon greets me.

"Hey back." I look up at him as I fumble with my laces.

"How did you sleep?" He asks.

"Amazingly." I say flatly, "And you?"

"Like a baby," He answers, "You ready?"

"Yes," I finish the last knot on my shoe, "Let's go."

We walk outside and I regret not bringing a jacket. Eldon unlocks his car then I rush in.
"Are you cold?" Eldon eyes me.

"It was just a walk down the driveway." I retort.

"I think I have a coat in the back, let me get it." He says then reaches behind his seat to get a coat from the backseat.

"No, don't. Really, I'm fine." That's a lie. I will gladly take the article of clothing.

"Here you go." He ignores my deny and drapes the coat around my shoulders.

"Thanks." I yank it down a bit then reach my hands through the big sleeves.

"Let's go." Eldon sighes then starts his engine and we drive away from my vacant street.

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