Chapter 1

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The music is blaring in my ears. My thoughts are drowning in the surrounding voices. Mindless converstations that hold no interest are made. School dances bore me, the only reason why I come to these is because my sister hauls me into her boyfriend's car and drags me into the gym.

I'm leaning against the back wall, watching everyone else dance and spin around. The large space is darkened to the point where nothing is visible. In turn, colourful disco lights set off the gym in colour and it is also providing me with a headache that will last the rest of the night. Half an hour left and I'm free to go back home.

"Hey Emily!" The voice startles me.

"What?" I say as a reflex.

"What are you doing?" My sister asks me. She is wearing a flowy dress in a pure purple that skims the top of her knee. It has skinny straps and a tight bodice that then puffs out at her waist. I remembered her trying on ever single dress in the store. Unfortunately for me, Riley, being a very distracted person, can't drive, so I was the one to bring her to the mall and say my opinion to every peice of expensive fabric she puts on. After two long hours, my quite popular sister, finally decides on a dress that fancies her.

"Nothing much." I say flatly. I don't need to protect her feelings anymore, she knows I hate social gatherings where people are judged by how little they wear and who their dancing with.

Someone comes around Riley. He grabs her and kisses her. I cringe.

He has dark brown hair and an innocent smile that no one can imagine behind bars. Daniel. Riley has been dating him for a while now. He had broken up with his previous girlfriend to date Riley. No, he cheated on his girlfriend so blame me if that makes me feel a bit troubled when he's that close to my sister.

"Okay okay," a grimace is pressed firmly on my face, "are you guys done?"

"Yeah." Daniel pulls away first, "Riley, we need to get out of here. Let's go to my house." His gentle voice gives nothing away but I don't want anything happened to my sister.

"NO!" I look around to see if my voice is too loud but everyone is distracted by the chugging contest by the food table, "No way. You're my ride," I address to Daniel, "I'm not coming to these anymore if I'm supposed to drive as well."

"Fine." Riley says. She sneaks in another kiss with Daniel before continuing, "Let's just go outside, it's getting a bit too stuffy in here anyways."

"No, we can't stay." Daniel's voice is urgent.
"You're not taking her anywhere without my permission. And in case you were wondering, the answer is no to anything you ask." I say, trying to keep a straight face but it's hard when you see someone's hand on someone else that you care about.

Riley is pouting and Daniel's eyes seem to be begging me. Maybe I'm misreading something.
I roll my eyes and give the happy couple my blessings toward letting them leave the crowded room.

As soon as Riley and Daniel walk out the door, I pull out my phone to see what time it is. The light blinds me.

The clock on the screen says it's 8:13. I guess Romeo and Juliet aren't going to get very far.
Suddenly the lights die and music stops. My ears are ringing from the lack of sound, for the gym is now silent. Screeching noises arise. It sounds like someone is fooling around with a microphone.

"Ahhh!" Someone screamed into the microphone. It is loud and distressed, "Emily!" Now the voice is pleading and scared.

"Riley!" I scream.

Then a high pitched sound with a frequncy so high it doesn't even have a name yet, is given out. I want to believe that the sound is just feedback but it sounds as if someone smashed the microphone into a church bell.

I shake out of my daze because I am wide awake now. The gym is still quiet and the lights are still off but somethings different. Every pair of eyes are staring at me. Their expressions are all the same; shocked.

I just realize what happened. Riley called my name. She's in trouble.

I see people taking out phones and either calling their parents or the police. Chaperones are ushering everyone to leave the gym. I frantically start moving around but there is no destination in mind.

Where is Riley?

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