"Oh, so we're going with my idea," Nadia said.

"So it appears we will be venturing into the Dark Jungle after all," Captain Hook said.

"You mean the place you told us to never set foot?" Elias questioned.

"That's the one," Captain Hook said.

"Well, Saviors, you said you wanted to be the leaders," Regina gestured to the floating map, "Lead," She said.

The twins followed after the map, which began to lead them into the vast jungle as the others followed, "This is how people die in horror movies," Elias remarked.

"A what?" Captain Hook asked.

"Just move," Nadia said, pushing the pirate forward.


Elsewhere, Mr Gold and Belle were walking together, "So, do you know why you brought me to the island?" She asked as they stopped on a cliffside.

"I thought you were gonna show me the answer," Mr Gold said.

"Only you know that," Belle said.

"I've already told you," Mr Gold said.

"No, you haven't," Belle said.

Mr Gold looked at her, "I have no idea," He said.

"Yes, you do," She said.

"No," Mr Gold said.

"You're holding back," Belle said.

"I'm not," He said.

"You are," Belle said, knowingly.

"Belle," Mr Gold said.

"What is it you're not saying?" Belle asked.

Mr Gold just looked at her and sighed, ""I'm a coward. I'm just like my father," He told her.

"You feel better now, don't you? You know why I'm here," Belle said.

"You always saw the good in me," Mr Gold said.

"I still do, and as much as you deny it, I think you see it too. So why am I here? What are you wrestling with?" Belle asked.

"Pan offered me a deal. I let him keep Henry, and he allows me to live. The boy needn't be my undoing," Mr Gold said.

"And you're afraid you'll make a selfish choice," Belle said.

"I generally do," He said.

"You abandoned your daughter, Seraphina, and regretted it your whole life," Belle shook her head lightly, "You don't need to do the same to Henry. Letting go of the past...it's the first step," She said.

Mr Gold brought the straw doll out of his pocket and looked at it, "You know, this was the last thing my father gave me," He said.

"And what happened to him?" Belle asked.

"He left me," Mr Gold said.

"If you don't want to repeat the mistakes he made, you need to let go," Belle told him before walking away from the cliffside, leaving Mr Gold alone. After a moment of looking at the doll, he finally made the decision to drop it off the side of the cliff.


Just below the same cliffside, Athena and Maverick had left Tinkerbell's hut and were walking together, when the straw doll landed on the ground, a little ways ahead of them, "What's that?" Maverick asked.

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