12} Guys! Troy Peed Himself!

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The kids, plus Jenna, marched into Hawkins Middle on a mission.
"Man," Jenna said, "It's been so long since I've been here. Ooh! Looks like they FINALLY got the money to repaint. And they fixed the leaky roof tiles. You little dudes have luxury I guess."
"Jenna, this isn't the time, god damn it!" Her brother yelled at her.
"Shhhhh. People are in class dip shit," She snarked back.

"Okay," Mike said while pointing at the group, "remember, if anyone sees us, look sad."
Suddenly, a man on the PA system started to make a school-wide announcement, "Attention students, there will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now. Do not go to fourth period."
While the announcement was blaring through the school, Mike started to mess with the Audio-Visual Classroom door.

"It's locked," he told the group.
"What?" Lucas questioned as he himself went to double check if Mike was lying or not.
"Hey," Dustin said looking towards Eleven, "do you think you can open it? With your powers?"
"Boys?" A weird man with a mustache said while popping out from around the corner, "And girls."
"Hey," Lucas said, trying to play it off like nothing was going on.
"Assembly's about to start," The man told the group.
"We know," Mike told him, suddenly putting on his 'act sad' face, "We're just, you know..."
"Upset," Lucas finished for Mike.
"Yeah," Dustin agreed, "Definitely upset."
"We need some alone time," Mike told the man.
"To cry," Dustin added in.

"Wait a sec," The man asked while looking at Jenna, "Who are you? You look too old to be a middle schooler."
"Oh," Jenna said, somehow not thinking anyone would question her being there, "I'm Dustin's older sister. He's having a rough time right now, and family is the best thing to help you get through tough times, am I right..."
"Oh, I'm Mr. Clarke," He finished for her, "I'm the boy's science teacher and run the AV club that they're in as well."
"Well, it's nice to meet you," Jenna told him while offering out her hand for him to shake.
"Likewise," He told Jenna as he shook her hand, "Anyways, listen... I get that you kids are going through a hard time, I do. I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for Will, huh? And then... the Heathkit is all yours for the rest of the day. What do you say? Oh, and I don't believe we've met," He said while turning towards Eleven who was hiding slightly behind Jenna, "What's your name?"

"Eleven..." she started before Mike cut her off and said, "Elenor! She's my, uh..."
"Cousin," Lucas finished.
"Second cousin," Dustin added in for literally no reason. Jenna started to roll her eyes and pinch the bridge of her nose.
"She's here for Will's funeral," Mike explained.
"Well," Mr. Clarke said with sympathy in his tone, "Welcome to Hawkins Middle, Eleanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances."
"Thank you," El confidently said to him.
"Uh," Mr. Clarke started, "where are you from exactly?"

"Bad place..." Eleven started to say but Jenna quickly cut her off to say, "Sweden! Mike has a lot of Swedish family. She isn't the biggest fan of it there, I mean, it's just so cold I can't blame her!"
"It's subzero," Dustin just had to add in, dragging the words out.
Mr. Clarke looked like he was just about done with this conversation and asked, "Shall we?"
"Yeah," everyone started to answer, sadly, and followed right behind the teacher down to the gym for the assembly. They walked in mid-assembly and had every kid in the bleachers staring at them.

"Abort," Dustin whispered and then tried to run back, but to his dismay, Jenna turned his ass around and shoved him in the gym. The principle droned on and on as people were making fun of the situation, crying real or fake tears, or just falling asleep not giving a single crap. I really hurt to look around and think,
Will has some shitty-ass peers. All I hope for now is to get his ass back from the 'bad place' and have him prove all of these little dickheads wrong. I want him to show them that he is stronger than they think and if he can't, I'll just punch em'.

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