4. A Resolute Risk

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Cole and Yuna quickly hopped onto a tree stump; they just barely made it. Their time was quickly burning up; the alive dentures kept hopping up and down, trying to bite Cole and Yuna. The more the dentures tried to bite, the more hungry they got. 

As Cole was freaking out internally, Yuna noticed something on the tree stump they were on. There were pinecones on the tree stump. "Cole...look, pinecones! We can try to feed them these!"

"G...good idea Yuna, w- we better be quick. Otherwise we will become lunch for them!" Cole responded to Yuna while also stuttering.

Cole and Yuna started to pick up pinecones and throw them away from the stump they were on. Some of the alive dentures went to go and eat the pinecones; but more came out from the bushes. Cole and Yuna continued to throw pinecones away for the dentures; they unfortunately ran out. 

All the dentures started to slowly approach the tree stump that Cole and Yuna were on. The dentures started to stack on one another; it seemed like they were trying to reach the height of the tree stump as one. 

"They just got ten times smarter, now what?" Yuna asked, worried. 

Cole looked at her and shrugged, he didn't know what to do at this point. He then looked down at his satchel. He opened the satchel and looked at all the items, he pulled out The Fear Flag. He tried to unwrap it but the dentures bit at the flag. Cole put the fear flag away in the satchel and looked at the other items; one item in particular caught the boy's eye.

Cole noticed The Disintegration Gumballs and the glove in the satchel, he frantically put on the glove and took out the cup with the gumballs. Yuna looked over at him in disbelief. "Cole what is that? Also, can I eat one?" Yuna asked.

"No you can't have one, they're too harmful! Here, l- let me show you!" Cole stuttered.

Cole pulled out some of the gumballs and threw them in the distance, some of the dentures went to go eat the gumballs. When the dentures finally ate, they disintegrated and turned into sugar.

 Yuna's eyes widened when she saw that; the sugar glistened bright among the bushes and surrounding environment.

"That is why they're too dangerous...I'm the only one that can hold them! S- so stand back." Cole said. 

He threw more of the gumballs into the distance; he kept doing this, but the dentures seemed to come out of the bushes in unlimited numbers. Cole was starting to give up, he didn't know how many Gumballs of Disintegration he had left. 

He then looked in the distance and saw something he didn't see before; he saw another pillar with a sand sphere hovering over it. The pillar still read "The Sand Zone." Cole threw some of the gumballs near the pillar. 

The dentures went towards the gumballs and hopped to them. One of the dentures cracked the pillar, the sand sphere fell on the ground. On impact it made an ear-piercing sound, Cole and Yuna covered their ears.

All of the dentures started to turn into sand, the loud noise was ugly. Cole closed his eyes as he covered his ears; he was wondering when this nightmare would be over. Eventually the loud noise was gone, Cole and Yuna slowly stopped covering their ears. 

Cole slowly opened his eyes, there was a bunch of sand in the area. He put the glove and the Gumballs of Disintegration back in his satchel; he took a deep breath and looked up at Yuna. 

"Are...are you okay? Cause...that was totally epic!" Yuna said excitedly. 

Cole nodded at what Yuna said, he was a wreck. He took out his handkerchief and wiped his face; he didn't want to be sweating. He put the handkerchief back in his pocket and looked around their surroundings; everything was quiet and peaceful. 

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