6. The Greatest Trick

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Cole just had a conversation with The Sinful Sorcerer of the Reality Zone, he was wondering everything the mysterious man said while sitting on a box. He heard a door in the room open. Cole turned around to see who it was.

"C- Cole, what happened? Why is there so much smoke?" Elijah asked, everyone coughed out loud. 

They all walked out of the room to let the smoke clear out, Cole looked up at both of them. He didn't know if he should say the truth or not.

"Ehm, I was just practicing some tricks. Trying to figure out ehm...what we're gonna do. Speaking of figuring out what to do, do you both know what Gedeon and Hadeon are doing for their performance? I ask beca-"

Cole paused himself in his thought and tapped his fingers together, pondering.

"Because ehm, we need to make a good impression on the audience." Cole adjusted the bow tie and glistening golden vest he was wearing.

Yuna and Elijah slowly looked at each other, they then looked back down at Cole.

"What? Are we that, are the odds that bad?"

"Gedeon is using his blade hands, and Hadeon is using his blade feet. They're gonna cut up some fruit, while using their volunteers to hold the fruit...I know, crazy." Elijah said, his eyes were yellow. 

Cole was taken back by what he was hearing, he paced back and forth while thinking about what they could do. He slowly stopped in place, he turned around to look at Yuna and Elijah. 

He slowly smiled and adjusted his glasses, almost like a magical aura dawned his mind.

"Does this circus tent use a tightrope?" Cole asked.

"Why yes it does...are we gonna use it?" Elijah responded, his eyes turning green. 

Cole nodded; a light bulb next to Cole flickered on. Once the smoke cleared, the boy went back in the room and sat on one of the boxes to plan.

He took a deep breath and slowly realized he wasn't sitting on a box anymore; he was sitting on a chair next to Yuna and Elijah. There was cheering from the audience in the circus tent, there were two volunteers for Gedeon and Hadeon. 

One of the volunteers had a squash on their head, the other had onions in their hands. "I didn't think they would actually do it. I hope they don't hurt the volunteers." Yuna said.

"Yeah, no kidding. I'm sure both knife brothers are so mighty concerned for their safety." Elijah responded with a slight smirk. Gedeon walked up to the volunteer with the onions, their hands turned into blades. 

The knife holder stabs the two onions without harming the volunteer, the volunteer threw more onions at them; the blades pierced the onions in the air like a kabob. The crowd roared.

Hadeon, the short brother, jumped into the air. Their feet turned into blades as they kicked at the person with the squash on their head. The squash landed on the ground in pieces. Their feet had turned back to how they were before, Gedeon's hands turned back to normal as well. 

Cole nodded and started to clap. Yuna looked over at Cole and was puzzled. "Aren't we going against them?" Yuna asked.

"Yes, but I always try to be objective. At the end of the day th- that was really good, and you both can't deny that. We just have to do b- better. Welp looks like we're next." 

Cole took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat off his forehead.  Briella moved to the center of the stage with a mic.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our next performer will have something that won't outshine that previous performance...but might as well give them a chance. Please welcome, Elijah...the cookie entertainer."

People in the crowd started to boo as Elijah walked out to the center stage. He motioned for Cole and Yuna to walk out, Briella walked off the stage while Cole and Yuna walked up to Elijah.

The bright lights, the number of eyes on them, the center stage was not for the timid heart.

"Thank you everyone for coming today, we are just gonna set up for ten minutes...and then we'll be ready." Elijah said as he had a microphone in his hand, he turned it off. 

Cole checked his watch. They all nodded to each other. Cole pulled out a box full of stuff he got from the back room. He pulled out a large sack that could hold a lot of things. The inside of the sack had nothing inside. 

Elijah pulled out a bicycle and unicycle from the box, he put the bicycle and unicycle on opposite sides of the stage. Yuna pulled out some ramps, Cole helped Yuna put the ramps on opposite sides of the stage. 

There was a tightrope close to the ceiling, Elijah used a ladder to go check on it. 

"You think this is gonna work? Because I don't know if it's gonna be the best. What if one of us gets injured? What if they start laughing at us? What if we're stuck in this zone fore-" Cole was cut off from rambling more.

"We'll be fine you worried walking catfish! I have faith in this because you made this plan Cole. I could never make a plan like this, not in a million years! You're way smarter. Have faith in yourself, okay?" Yuna responded to Cole.

He slowly looked over at the crochet doll in the eyes. He paused to get the right words to say, he eventually found the right words on his tongue.

"Yuna, I am not smarter than you. Ehm...you are just as smart as me. And I'm sure if you were given enough time, you could probably make a great plan as well, if not better. So even though you don't see people give you dignity, don't be too hard on yourself, okay?"

Cole got a little closer to her, he started to whisper.

"I understand it's hard but, it hurts yourself and others. It really hurts me, especially when you do that." Yuna didn't say much. She just looked at Cole and nodded. 

They both didn't say anything for a few seconds, they were all of a sudden snapped out of their trance.

"Hey! We have a problem with the tightrope, a big problem. We might not be able to use it for our performance." Elijah said.

"Why? What's the big problem with it?" Cole responded. Yuna took out a large ring shape from the box, she went to set it up between the two ramps. 

Elijah looked up at the tightrope, he then looked back at the boy. Cole noticed that Elijah seemed to struggle with what to say next, it especially showed with Elijah's eyes being orange.

"Well, the tightrope is loose, someone can walk on it, but that's a huge risk. You could get seriously hurt or even worse...killed! I say we skip that part of the performance and try something else." Elijah said.

Cole crossed his arms; his face got a little red like a tomato.

"No! We aren't doing that, we are- I am going to use it. That's okay, that's why we got the sack in the fi- first place. In case something goes wrong, and I fall off, you both can catch me. It's that simple." Cole stutters in his response.

Elijah shook his cookie head and crossed his arms. He stared up at the tightrope for what seemed like too long, his facial expressions would change rapidly.

"WELL?!?" Cole abruptly asked.

"Oh yeah, you've totally not lost your marbles heh. If we do that and you get hurt, Briella will not forgive me. Not only that but she will be looked down upon, more than she already is." 

Briella walked back to the three of them, she looked down at Elijah in particular. 

(Hey everyone, hope you all liked chapter 6 in The Magical Islands Of Da. If you did, then feel free to leave a vote and comment on this chapter! Feel free to also follow my account for more updates every Saturday!  Let's see how this trick will resolve in 6.5!)

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