1. The Norm

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It was a misty morning, the air seemed thick, and the ground was tough. A boy walked out into the open plains that swayed like seaweed. He breathed in the air; a sigh of relief as he found his glasses, he slowly picked them up and wore them. The sound of dirt crunching behind him could be heard. "Cole, come in now, your supper is ready."

Cole heard his mother calling for him, he slowly turned around and started walking to his home. He looked down the road and saw another house, Cole looked down and shook his head.

As he sluggishly made his way into his home, he saw the dated look, moldy wood, sullied windows, cobwebs everywhere. His mother slowly looked over at him. "Son...did that Joey kid down the road give you trouble again?"

"Mom...he ehm-" Cole stumbled over his words and paused for a moment to think what he was going to say, he adjusted his glasses and the collar of his shirt before continuing his sentence.

"No mom...he didn't give me trouble, we just talked and- and that's it." Cole exclaimed.

"Cole...you know you're my little angel, right? Not just any normal angel, but a perfect angel. And if there's anything you ever need from me or need to say, then just tell me alright? Because I will help you."

Cole nodded and went to the dinner table; he was waiting for his food as he looked out one of the windows of the house. "Mom, have you ever been anywhere else in the world other than here? Like...anything but these open plains."

Cole's mother put three plates on the dinner table, she looked down at Cole. "Well not really...I really wonder what else there is to see in the eye." Cole's mother questioned a little.

"Jessie...why don't you join your brother and I for dinner?"

After some time, Cole's sister came out and sat at the dinner table. Unlike Cole, she was fit and could do more outdoor activities. "I'm only doing this, so I don't get in trouble...I hope you both know that."

Cole's mother started to plate the plates; Cole looked down at his plate. There was steamed broccoli and cooked pieces of salmon. "Moooom...why do you give us all these foods? Why don't you give us real food like Uncle Sebastian's?"

Unlike his sister, Cole accepted what was on his plate, even though some parts of the dish he didn't think tasted the best. He looked over to his mother who had sat down at the dinner table with him and his sister. "First of all, Uncle Sebastian's is not real food. It's fast food, and second of all...because it's fast food, it's not good for your health." Cole's mother exclaimed.

Jessie looked over at Cole who was eating his food. "Well, what do you think, brainiac?"

"I think the food is fine, as long as it's healthy and good." Cole said as he slowly looked over at Jessie. He went back to eating his food. He was reading a spy book after dinner in his room. It was cold inside since the window to his room was open. "Man... I wish I had the same skills as the secret agents...then I wouldn't have to worry about always being defenseless."

Cole slowly turned his way to his backpack and realized something, he forgot to ask his mom something important. After he got what he needed, he went to his mother's room and knocked on the door. "Mom...can I come in and ask- ask you a question?"

"Why of course you can my little angel. Is there something wrong?" Cole's mother asked.

Cole slowly walked in and closed the door. He saw his mother on her bed, he sat next to her. "Mom, my school is going on a field trip...and I was wondering if I could get your permission to go on the trip."

"Okay, show me the permission slip then." Cole gave his mother the permission slip and twiddled with his thumbs while waiting for his mother's decision. "Well, I'm glad you asked for my permission...rather than just writing my signature yourself."

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