9. The Soldier

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When Cole looked back at the prisoner, they were now made of sandstone; only the eyes of fear looking up at the abyss. Solamon went in front of Cole and kneeled on one knee, they both were now eye to eye.

Solamon squinted and scratched their chin while observing Cole, the boy's palms and forehead started to sweat. 

"I'm tell you straight up Cole; I am not friends with The Mighty. He has backstabbed me multiple times in the past and unfortunately, you're in the crossfire between him and I. You'll stay in a cell and rot until I figure out what to do with you. Got it?" The Sand King shouted.

The boy shriveled up and looked down at the ground, nodding slowly but not responding.

"Guardimons, take this child away. And put him in a nice cold, quiet cell. Bring him back to me when I've made my decision on him." The guardimons dragged Cole's chair; before he knew it, he was locked in a dark gloomy cell. 

There was barely any light, the only light came from the hallway he entered through and from the full moon in the starry sky; the moon illuminated through a window in the cell, there were bars on the window. 

In the cell was a double bunk bed; there was a silhouette of a person, it was too dark to see any distinguishing features except that the person seemed lengthy. 

Cole started to look out at the starry night, his hands opened up slowly while looking out the window; he started to feel at ease from all the chaos.

"Hey kid...what are you in for?"

Cole was taken aback and looked at the cellmate.

"What? You're awake? Look I'm in here for what I wear, what about you sir?" 

There was a pause before the cellmate hopped off the bed, their figure got larger.

Cole looked toward one of the walls of the cell as he felt a chill go down his spine.

"That's funny. You don't look like the type to be causing troubles. I'm h-"

They paused before continuing, "I'm here because I was fed a lie for my life, HEY are you even listening to me?" 

"Ehm well, yes sir I am. I'm just tired and scared." Cole slowly faced them.

What stood before him was a person who was lengthy and thin; they had no skin or muscles on their body, they were what seemed to be a living skeleton. Cole jumped back and fell on the cold floor.

He put one hand over his stomach and the other over his mouth; his cellmate looked down at the floor for a few seconds before looking back at Cole, "Aw damn, I didn't think I was THAT ugly."

"No no it's not that, it's just that I've never met a living skeleton before. It's not you it's me, I'm so sorry. I'm not from around here..." Cole responded.

The skeleton chuckled a little and sat next to the boy, they both looked at each other; what was intriguing when looking at the skeleton was that they had a tiny black and orange glow in both of their eye sockets.

Almost like pupils. the skeleton was wearing a messy tank top and jeans, they seemed to have no shoes.

"Yeah heh, like that wasn't obvious enough. I could tell from how wide eyed you were, especially when you were spooked to look at me. Don't worry, I don't take offense."

They smiled slightly while Cole didn't open his mouth.

"Oh right, I'm Shawn by the way. And you are?" Shawn asked.

"I'm Newman, Cole Newman. It's very...nice to meet you as well."  Cole put his hand out, Shawn didn't shake it.

Cole retracted his hand and frowned a little.

Shawn helped Cole off the floor and dusted off the glistening golden vest, they both sat on the lower bunk of the bed, they both sat apart and looked to the opposite wall.

Shawn started to speak after a few seconds of silence, "So heh, what with the nice vest? Your momma got it for ya, right? with the bowtie and glasses? Heh heh."

Cole didn't say anything, he crossed his arms

"Oh wait did she forget to give you your lunch? She must've forgot before you went on your school bus huh? Heh heh..."

This would keep going for a couple minutes before Cole turned to them, his eyes streaming with tears, eyes bright red.


"I'm not here because I want to! They never gave me this vest, I'm here because I was on a field trip, and I got lost! Lost forever most likely..."

Cole paused and looked at the spacious floor.

"Lost from my family, my home, my sister, my mother. Oh gosh I'm gonna die in here!" Cole started to cry a lot.

He set aside his glasses and put his face in his palms, he started to weep, all the emotions from everything had come to a boiling point. The skeleton just watched the child, the smile quickly wiped off his face and he looked to the side.

"Hey hey look I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had it that bad." Shawn tried to tap Cole's shoulder.

"Don't touch me! This vest is my only escape from this place, I have to give it to The Mighty! But that won't happen, cause I'm never gonna escape this rot! I can't see mom or Jessie again. I can't..."

This took a few minutes before Shawn interjected again.

"Hey kid how about this! If you can, let me help you out of here, and we can both get out of this. Then we won't suffer in here forever."

Cole paused and looked over at the skeleton.

"So, what do you say friendo?" Shawn held his hand out for a deal.

(Hey everyone, sorry this chapter took some time to come out, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think, this was reworked from how it was originally. So, we'll see how it goes in Chapter 9.5!)

(If you liked it then send a vote on this chapter. I'll try to update you all as soon as I can. Thank you all so much.)

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