16. The Woods Of Waning

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As Cole scanned the woods, only a gut aching feeling went over him. The woods seemed dark and cold, no joy or happiness but rather a gloomy presence. "Who knows what's going to be in store for us, we better be prepared like you said." Jessica said. Cole looked back at her and nodded before he checked out the woods again. 

Eventually the group was in the woods, walking down the dirt slowly, in the thick of night. Shawn was holding a stick with fire coming off of it, Elijah had some sort of light attached to his candy cane as he was ahead with Shawn lighting the way. Yuna would stay right by Cole and would constantly look behind, "Wow this place is surely grim. Heh...there's like no light or barely at all, all these trees look like they're in need of some trim. Cause wow, are they all past due the point of no return!" Jessica said.

"Yeah you aren't kidding, look at this place. Just walking through here gives me the chills, it's not even that cold here. This place just feels different. I can't believe as soon as we walked in these woods, the time of day went from sunset to pitch black dark. At least we got some clouds up above but come on, why'd it have to get so...well eerie." Cole responded. He also felt himself get a little anxious as his palms would sweat and his spine would feel chills. 

It didn't help that there were slight noises that came from all over the woods, Cole felt a sense of drowsiness sweep over him. He stumbled slightly to the ground, trying to catch his breath. Everyone stopped and surrounded him, "Oh gosh what's wrong Cole? What's wrong with him? Why does he look so pale and tired all of a sudden?" Yuna asked. She kneeled down and turned him over on his back, Cole would face up towards the night sky. Yuna touched Cole's forehead, while Shawn put two fingers on the boy's neck. "He's sweating and cold, but his eyes are open. Is he dead?" Yuna looked over at Shawn anxiously.

"No, he's far from dead, he has a pulse and he's breathing at least, but he's barely moving. Cole, can you hear everything we're saying? If so then try to get up, we can't just stall now. We're so close to The Moonstone Zone, so close to The Mighty. Try to get up kid." Shawn said. Cole would wince as he tried to get up off the ground, his arms and body would shake slightly from the aches. 

His eyes closed as he tried to lift himself up off the ground, he fell back down on the ground, followed by a loud thud that would ring out across the woods. Cole gasped heavily as he looked back up at the sky, at all his friends who looked over him with worry. "I don't know what's gone over me, it feels like a terrible curse has dawned upon me, and there's nothing I can do about it. I need help please." Cole said. Shawn gave the torch on the stick to Jessica, the skeleton soldier picked up Cole with both his hands. 

The group found a river close; they went off the trail and into the woods, there was some open space next to the river. They made a small trail, to not get lost from the main dirt path. The whole group felt fatigued as they set up camp, Shawn made a campfire while Yuna stayed far away from it, she walked up to Jessica who had checked up on Cole. "How's he doing? Is he resting well?" Yuna asked. She peeked over Jessica's shoulder to see Cole, who was lying on the fear flag.

"Yeah he's resting well, he's recovering slowly. Look let me get one thing straight with you, I understand he's friends with you...and I know you've been wanting to see him. But he seems to get himself in trouble, especially since The Sinful Sorcerer is following him and I know you don't want problems, neither do any of us. So going forward, you might want to watch yourself." Jessica said. Yuna looked away for a moment and nodded before she looked back at the Jester slowly.

"Yeah I get what you mean, and I appreciate your concern as I understand what's at stake. But he trusted me to go on this journey with him, just like you. So whatever he did for you, he's done for me. It's just that our situations are different, as well as for his actions for Elijah and Shawn. So, thank you again, but I think I'm willing to take that risk." Yuna said. She smiled warmly with acknowledgement before she passed Jessica to Cole, Jessica looked back at her before she went to the campfire. 

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