11. A Ticking Clock

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Cole was relieved that Elijah was okay, he had the preconceived notion that Elijah was safer out there than where he was; all the excitement slowly shriveled up when Cole remembered the dire situation he was in, he slowly looked down at the ground. 

There was a slight pause before Elijah whispered, "Cole I understand you're captured, but we'll get you out of here!" Cole glanced back at Elijah, his demeanor was down in the dumps; he took a moment before he opened up, "Elijah that's great but...the problem is it won't happen, you can't save me out of this locked cage, I went on trial by the king of this horrible place...and now I have to battle him in a few days...it will...certainly be the death of me. I'm sorry Elijah, it was to make sure The Sinful Sorcerer doesn't get the glistening golden vest. I did what I could and-" 

Cole rambled until he stopped him. "I just, you have to go forward without me Elijah. Otherwise, you're gonna end up like me, in a de- deathmatch. Please, I don't want you to die because of me...just like Yuna." Cole stuttered while he responded, Cole covered his eyes with his hand; Elijah slowly nodded in silence as Cole's hand started to dampen, Cole shook his head as well. 

"This is bad, really bad. All I know is that I'm not leaving you behind, after you got me out of my never-ending stay at that circus...and saved me from that horrible man, and from that wild animal, and so much more. So yeah, it would be against my good conscience to go without you, for all you've done." Elijah said. 

"Plus, you haven't killed any of us, there is no blood on your hands from your friends, so hang in there. We're gonna figure this out!" Cole tilted his head at what Elijah said, he closed his hands into a fist. 

After a few seconds of taking a breather, he re-opened his hands and latched onto the cold sturdy stone bars on the window, he stared at the face of the cookie person; their eyes were blue while squinting slightly, "What do you mean by that? Are you kidding me Elijah? I mean, I mean stop the sarcasm. She died because of me, stop trying to pretend that it didn't happen, because it did. Stop playing, stop trying to disrespect me while I sit in this gloomy cell. I don't even want to see you, just leave." Cole responded with a whisper as he turned around and crossed his arms. 

An audible groan could be heard in response to what he said, a couple of moments passed again before Elijah spoke, "Okay calm down, yeah that did happen. But I want you to look behind me, don't even question. Just look, look behind me. And I think your tone and attitude will change. Stop facing away and trust me on this, okay?"

After the cookie entertainer pleaded with the boy, they finally turned around. Cole looked at Elijah who pointed to something behind them; Cole's eyes started to shift, his view went from Elijah to what was behind him, the view behind Elijah would go from blurry to clear as things went into focus. 

His eyes would pan from the night sky to the ocean, the ocean's presence that night had a calm demeanor; no waves were crashing against rocks on the shore, the view shifted from the ocean to the beach itself. Unlike the ocean, the moon's shine really illuminated the sand on the beach which complimented the water on the shore; what caught his attention was someone shining some sort of lantern on the beach, it seemed to be a guardimon upon further inspection. 

It was now noticeable that there wasn't just one but multiple guardimons on the beach who had their attention focused on something; Cole panned his eyes to what they were looking at, not only did the view get wider but also his eyes. He looked away for a moment to gather his thoughts, he shook his head slowly until Elijah spoke, "Cole this isn't a joke or dream, look again."

Cole glanced towards the view again, to see what the Guardimons looked at; he slowly nodded and looked back to Elijah, "She's actually alive? Eli- Elijah what, how is this possible? How is this even possible? I mean she didn't know how to control that hot air balloon but, there it is. It looks broken down but, is she with you? And where is she? Tell me right now. How do I know you're not just The Sinful Sorcerer Of The Reality Zone?" 

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