12. A Closed Window

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Cole and Shawn were at the beach early in the morning to work against their will; all that was on Cole's mind was the plan, he was holding a hammer while beating large stones that were present; every swing of the hammer got increasingly harder.

His energy decreased from not only being sore but also feeling the sun's wrath shine down on him. 

He went for another swing, but his arms just collapsed; he dropped the hammer and fell on his knees, he gasped for as much air as he could. He took out a cloth from his pocket and wiped off his forehead and hands, he looked over at Shawn. 

The Skeleton Soldier looked over at the boy with an urgent look before they whispered, "Cole get up. Get up. For God sakes get up before that chief walk up to us!" Cole shot up off the ground.

"Right! Right yeah, you definitely are not wrong there. They have probably been watching us this whole time, that's how paranoid they are. I still can't believe we have to go through something like this; while the ones causing the trouble are in power and get away with it." 

Cole picked up the hammer again. As he got back to work, he felt a tap sensation on his shoulder. 

He shrugged his shoulder away and turned around, Wells stood over him with his arms crossed, the higher ranked guardimon's eyes didn't have a reassured look but more of a questioning look. 

"I'm sorry Mr. Wells did I do ehm...something wrong? If it's because I dropped for a few seconds, I apologize." Cole turned back to the stones. 

"I didn't come to you because you did that; you're actually working hard which surprises me, better than a lot of the inmates here."

Wells paused for a moment.

"I went to you because of the hot air balloon that came to this kingdom, the one on the beach right now. We know you came here from The Brotherhood Zone and that you brought The Glistening Golden Vest with you. If this hot air balloon was some secret ploy for you to escape or if you know anything about it like who came on it, then let us know."

Cole looked away for a moment but was pulled by Wells suddenly, he couldn't turn away now.

"I want you to answer me now, do you know anything about it?"

"I don't know anything about this, at all. If I did, I would have no problem telling you guys. I just want to go home, that's it!" Cole responded, Wells nodded and went to other inmates on the beach. 

Cole and Shawn looked over at the crashed hot air balloon, they turned towards each other and nodded before getting back to work. It would be a constant process of work until they were interrupted by a loud whistle.

Cole's glance shot towards the sound, he was greeted by King Solamon, all the inmates kneeled on the beach including The Boy. Cole did his best not to glance over at anyone other than The Sand King.

Please be okay Elijah, please be okay.

Solamon would walk around and inspect the inmates.

"I came out here today in particular to all of you, to say what's BEEN happening, what's been on MY mind, and what WILL be happening. First of all, in regard to this hot air balloon, we don't know what came from it. There's no markings or prints, nothing."

Solamon crossed his arms, his voice deepened.

 "If you knew about this and don't tell me until I find out it was you, I WILL HARM YOU."

"Furthermore, we have captured a person of interest, someone from another zone. A girl."

Cole looked down at the sand, his face deepened with grief. 

A person of interest? 

"If any of you link with why they are here, you will stay in maximum security with them. I can't tolerate it...this kingdom can't tolerate it. I will be leaving here for a very short time...to have discussions with my friend and colleague, The Sinful Sorcerer. Have your free time." 

After the lengthy speech from The Sand King had ended, all the inmates mumbled and got off the burning sand; a strange portal opened up next to Solamon, it was in the shape of an oval with the tint of a warm orange. 

Solamon walked through the portal and without hesitation, the orange oval disappeared within seconds.

Moments later, Cole and Shawn were standing in an elevator, they were the only ones in the elevator as they waited, finally the elevator doors opened. Both of them walked out of the elevator and were greeted by a long hallway, at the end was the doorway of Solamon's office.

The sky outside was gloomy, tints of blue were scattered in different areas but nothing major to change the color of the sky. 

Seagulls would fly past the windows; some would go in a sweeping motion alone while others went past each other like in a group. 

"Cole come on, focus now alright? This ain't some art show."

"Right, I'm sorry I was just, trying to get the nerves to go away you know? Wait what? No that can't be right, last time I came here there were no doors. Of course he'd have security, is it gonna be easy or hard for us to get in?" Cole asked as he walked up to Shawn to check out the doors.

Shawn pressed the doorbell on the wall first which did nothing, he proceeded to tug on the door handles, but the doors didn't budge, so Shawn started to kick at the doors with all his might. 

Cole looked behind to make sure no one was walking behind them; every kick at the door made Cole jump a little, it got to the point where The Boy held his elbow and looked away.

All he knew was that they were running out of time and attention was being drawn to them.

(Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the first half of chapter 12, let me know what you think. Let's see how this turns out in 12.5!

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