5. The Entertainer

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The journey to The Moonstone Zone was definitely a resolute risk; that is all Cole could think of at the moment. He was deep in thought until he was taken out of it; Yuna brought him back to reality. "Cole, calm down! We gotta find a way to get some Topsoil currency. Let's look around and see if anyone can help us. As Cole and Yuna were looking, they saw two performers recruiting brave volunteers to help them in a performance for the circus tent. Cole and Yuna hurried their way to the two performers, they seemed to be around their age level; the age of being a kid. Cole and Yuna got into the front row; both were desperate that they could help. "H- hey excuse me...can we help in your performance? We're willing to help in exchange to get currency of Topsoil variety!" Cole said. One of the performers looked down at Cole and laughed, everyone around Cole and Yuna also laughed. Cole noticed that one of the performers was somewhat tall, the other was short like him. "Kid...you couldn't do a magic trick, even if you tried. You can't be as good as me...Gedeon...and my brother Hadeon! So, get lost." The tall one said. 

While Cole hung his down and nodded, Yuna frowned that their request for help was not only denied but also clowned on. They walked away from the crowd and started looking for another way. They saw another performer with no crowd; alone and desolate. They seemed to be sitting around, doing nothing. It was like they had no purpose in the whole circus fair. Cole noticed on closer inspection that unlike Gedeon and Hadeon who were humans; this performer seemed to be a person made out of cookie dough. 

Their head was a cookie with chocolate chips, their eyes were button shaped chocolates in the color grey. They were wearing a purple dress shirt with no buttons, black pants and shoes, as well as a cape that was also black. The performer had a human-like body; a sign next to them read "I am Elijah, The Cookie Entertainer!" Cole looked over at Yuna, they both nodded to each other. Cole slowly looked back at the entertainer and took a deep breath. "Hey...ehm excuse me, are you Elijah?" Cole asked. The entertainer looked over at Cole and Yuna a little surprised, his eyes changed from a sudden yellow to a green. It was fascinating to Cole that the button shaped chocolates changed color; also, for the fact that those chocolates were the entertainer's eyes. "Why yes...unless you're blind and can't read the sign...I am Elijah. Elijah the cookie entertainer!" Elijah said confidently. 

Yuna seemed to be intrigued while listening to Elijah. Cole on the other hand felt a sense of urgency to get things to the point. "Hey ehm...we were wondering if you could let us join you...to do a performance or magic trick in exchange for Topsoil currency to leave...please?" Cole asked desperately.

"Oh, I don't know...Gedeon and Hadeon are pretty good. They seem to usually get the currency, since they are the best talents."

"Okay so what? Let's just do our own thing and beat their act...how hard is that?" Yuna asked Elijah. The entertainer started to laugh a little at Yuna's optimism, he sat down on a box. "Yeah, like that's ever going to happen. I'd bet you anything that we could never beat their performance. So good luck." Elijah said.

"Fine, show us a trick you got." Cole asked Elijah. Elijah took out a hat and a coin. He put the coin in the hat and put the hat down, he shuffled the hat. He asked both Cole and Yuna to look in the hat; they did as they were asked, there was no coin in the hat. Both were wondering where the coin went, but Cole noticed a coin in Elijah's palm. Cole pointed to it and asked, "Is that the coin?" The entertainer nodded and showed the coin, their eyes went from green to purple.

"Oh please, look you don't know if you could beat them or not. And unless you want a crowd like them, then take a chance on us. You have nothing more to lose, but you have nothing to gain if you don't try. And that trick wasn't bad...I just happened to notice it. So...can you please take a chance on us?" Cole pleaded with Elijah. The entertainer nodded and looked off in the distance, they seemed to be pondering the decision. Cole and Yuna watched Elijah slowly look back at them. "Well alright fine, come with me. Expect judgment day for us." Elijah said. 

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