3. A New Friend

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Cole fell on the yarn road and started to back up from the mysterious man; he knew he couldn't give the glistening golden vest to the Sinful Sorcerer of the Reality Zone. "G- get away from me! I'm not interested in making a deal with you!" Cole shouted, scared.

"That's a mistake, and a real shame boy. You have no idea what type of people are in the Moonstone Zone, they may act all nice...but they are cold monsters, underneath the masks they wear. Whatever Caitlin sai- sigh...the magician of The Brotherhood Zone told you...just know that she might have given you a few white lies."

"Yeah right she would...and even if she did, why would she give me a map to get to the Moonstone Zone? If she wanted me to fail, she would've not given me the vest!"

Cole backed up against a dead tree made of wool; it chilled his spine to the core. He didn't know how he was going to get out of this situation.

"Well, if you're not so willing to make a deal with me...let alone talk to me, then I might as well teach you a lesson. Sometimes kids growing up who misbehave need a reality check. Boy...you will regret that an almighty god decided for you to be on this island."

Cole shivered as he wiped sweat away from his forehead, he fought the tears back the best he could; his heart dropped when he saw the mysterious man pull out his staff, the eye on the staff looked directly into Cole's eyes menacingly; the eye on the staff showed it had no soul.

"See...these are the islands of fear...where your night terrors come to life...I am the Sinful Sorcerer of The Reality Zone. Boy...prepare...to expire!" The mysterious man menacingly said.

The mysterious man started to cackle as the eye on the staff looked at the ground next to the man, it shot off a purple bolt, creating smoke. When the smoke went away, Cole saw a goat with sharp teeth, sharp horns, purple hair, and red eyes emerge; its eyes showed no peace, no civility, no care in the world for other lives.

Cole started to tear up, knowing that this was going to be nasty. "I'm going to give you ten seconds to start running...you better be by those hills in the distance...because if you ain't, you're gonna be wishing you were already dead."

The mysterious man started to count off from ten, Cole quickly got up and started running away from the man; he could see a fence made of wool in the distance.

Cole ran up to the fence, he hopped over it but fell on his back. His glasses came off, he frantically reached out for them. "Two...one...enjoy your lunch little guy." The mysterious man said to the goat.

The goat screeched a horrible sound, Cole could hear stomping.

He frantically reached out for his glasses as he heard the sounds of the goat getting closer. He finally reached something; it was his glasses.

He put his glasses on and looked around; the goat ran through the wool fence with no problem. Cole quickly got up and started to run; he tried to get away as far as possible. He now heard footsteps behind; he looked beyond his shoulder; the terrifying goat was behind.

Cole jumped out of the way, causing the goat to ram into a tree made of cotton. The cotton tree fell over, it seemed like the goat needed a second to adjust. Cole got up off the ground and saw a wool cornfield in the distance, he ran towards it. "W- why'd this have to be me?" Cole screamed terrified.

It didn't take long for Cole to hear the goat stomp behind him, he saw an opening in the cornfield. As his hopes went up, he gets the wind knocked out of him. His back was in insurmountable pain; his lungs felt like they were going to burst out of his chest. Cole got knocked to a rock made of wool, it still made him wince in pain.

Cole saw the cornfield in the distance, he couldn't get up from the loss of stamina. He saw the goat slowly emerge from the cornfield. "Wait stop, you don't have to d- do this! We can...we can just move on; nobody has to get hurt anymore!" Cole pleaded for mercy.

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