p r o l o g u e

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I let out a dramatic sigh as I lean back in my recliner with a glass of red wine in my hand.

My sister, Malory, notices me and rushes over.

"What's wrong?" She asks as she takes my wine glass and brings it to her lips for a sip. "You've been acting grumpy all day and it's Christmas."

"Mum and dad are still on my ass about work."

"Why? Aren't you working?"

"Apparently a stage hand for your boyfriends band isn't important enough."

"Their logic is so fucked, they support that Nicholas is in a band- but the second their daughter helps out it's bad?" She scoffs. "Dad's trying to be a little nicer at least."

"I'm over it." I huff. "I'm making money anyway."

"That's what matters." She laughs as she passes back my glass. "Oh, by the way Noah was wanting to talk to y-"

"Lory!" Nicholas buds in and pulls Lory away carefully to stand in front of the Christmas tree.

I look around, noticing everyone is standing around with their cameras ready, my mum recording with her canon camera.

I lock eyes with Noah who smiles slightly, shaking his head slowly.

I look back to my sister and Nicholas, him talking about how much he loves her.

The second he reaches for his pocket my heart races.

He gets down on one knee and Malory instantly starts tearing up, bringing her hands to her face.

"Oh my god!" She gasps as he opens a tiny black box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

"Malory Eveline Anderson, will you marry me." Nicholas' voice cracks.

"Ye-yes, oh my god- yes!" She cries as he puts the ring on her finger and jumps up to hug and kiss her.

My parents instantly go towards them and pull them all into a big hug.

Malory turns to look at me and waves me over.

I smile and stand up, rushing towards her.

Once I'm able to break out, Lory is surrounded by the rest of our friends and family, showing them the ring.

I go back to my wine glass and realize it's gone.

I look up and see Noah by the hallway, my glass in his hand.

A smile spreads on my lips as I roll my eyes. Noah and I have always gotten along pretty well, never been too close, but I know I enjoy his company.

"What're you doing?" I ask as he turns to hide behind the corner.

"Cant have a talk with my best friends sister in law?"

"Did you know?"

"I was the one who helped him pick out the ring." Noah shrugs. "He was so adamant on that one though- not quite sure why I needed to be there."

"He's sweet. I'm glad they're getting married." I say. "I mean it's been over 3 years and I know she's ready."

"Yeah..." He hums, taking a small sip of my wine, setting the near empty glass on the table next to me.

"How's Maggie?" I ask, hoping for a change of subject.

"Oh- I thought Malory would've told you..." He coughs. "She and I broke up about three months ago."

"Woah- I'm sorry, I had no idea."

"It's okay." He shrugs. "Not like she had to tell you."

We stay quiet for another second and I look back towards the living room where everyone is still surrounding Malory.

I look back at Noah and grab the wine glass and throw back the rest, some spilling off the edge and onto my chest, dripping onto my new dress.

"Great." I groan as I see it staining the dress.

"Here-" Noah takes my hand and pulls me to the bathroom.

He shuts the door behind us and starts running the water, grabbing the hand towel.

"It's just a little bit of wine, Noah." I chuckle as he turns to me with the wet cloth.

"Isn't it brand new?"

"Yeah, but I didn't really plan on wearing it all that much after today."

He rolls his eyes and smiles softly as he pats the wet cloth on the stain.

"If you want I can get you a change of clothes and throw this in the washer."

"I'll be okay." I say, not wanting this interaction to last any longer.

He looks up at me, his stare burning into mine.

Every time he looks at me I force myself to look away, I can't help it. He's always had an affect on me that I hate to think about.

I drag my eyes off of him and turn my head to look at the door, but his hand gently grabs my jaw and moves me to look at him.

"You're so tempting." He whispers, dipping his head down to my ear. "I would worship your body if you let me."

I turn and my lips graze over his, not even a moment of hesitation passes before Noah presses his lips against mine.

I kiss him back, not putting any other thoughts before acting on it. His hands pull me closer and I reach mine up to the sides of his face.

He pushes me against the wall and attaches his lips to my neck as my hands tug on his hair.

"Noah-" I moan as his hands keep a tight grip on my hips, pulling them against him.

"Don't be too loud." He whispers. "Don't need your parents hearing you."

I pull him back up to my lips and moan as he grinds himself against me.

He backs away and takes the hair tie on his wrist, wrapping his long hair up into a loose bun.

Before I can speak he kisses me again, turning us around so i'm against the sink. He lifts me up and sits me down on the countertop.

I try to keep my heart from racing as hikes up my dress and pulls down my underwear, leaning his face down.

"So fucking pretty." He whispers.


somebody else  //  noah sebastianWhere stories live. Discover now