"It doesn't matter! My family's been to the Enchanted Forest before, and they can get here again," Henry said.

A strange howling noise echoed from the jungle, "Well, we're not in the Enchanted Forest. This is Neverland," Theo said.

Henry looked at them in disbelief, "Neverland? You want to destroy Neverland?" He asked.

"It's the mother lode of magic," Theo turned to Eva, "Where's the communicator? We need to signal the Home Office," He said.

Eva brought a communicator out of her bag, "Here you go, T," She said and Theo took it.

"An office in the jungle? Huh. Who works there?" Henry asked.

Eva walked towards him, "Who we work for is not your concern, kid. Just know that they take care of us," She said.

"Do they? Can they tell you how to get back home after you destroy magic?" Henry questioned.

"We don't ask questions. We just believe in our cause," Eva said.

Theo tried to operate the communicator, but it wasn't working, "Eva?" He said.

"Yeah?" Eva said.

"I'm not getting a status light on this thing," Theo said, handing it over to her.

Eva took it, "Did you check the batteries?" She asked and opened the battery compartment, expecting batteries but sand fell out.

"What the hell is this? A toy?" Theo questioned.

"It's a good thing you guys don't ask any questions," Henry said.

"Let's go. Walk!" Eva said as she shoved Henry, and they began to walk.


Elsewhere on the island, Athena was sat on the ground having a rest, "Still running?" she turned, seeing Felix stood behind her, "It's good to see you again," He said.

"Can't say the same," she stood up, brushing the dirt off her dress, "What the hell do you want?" Athena asked.

"He's upset with you," Felix said.

"And?" Athena questioned and began to walk away.

Felix followed after her, "The more you refuse to listen to him, the angrier he'll become," He said.

"Am I supposed to care?" Athena said.

He noticed her walking with a slight limp, "If you don't rest, you'll hurt yourself," Felix said.

"It'd be better than talking to you or him," Athena said.

"You really don't like us, do you?" Felix questioned.

"Never have, never will, get used to it," Athena said.

Felix grabbed her wrist and she glared at him, before suddenly pinning him against a tree, with her arm against his throat, cutting his air supply.

"Never touch me again, are we clear?" she threw him to the ground, "Unlike Pan, I don't need magic to win in a fight. Remember that, kid," Athena said and walked off into the jungle, leaving Felix alone.


On the Jolly Roger, Regina and Nadia stood on the helm, when they noticed Captain Hook beginning to slow down, "Why are you slowing down? In case you didn't know, my son's life is in danger," Regina said.

"Oh, I know, my hot-headed Queen. The plan is to bring us to the far side of the island, link up with the widest part of the river, and then we sail right through, take by surprise. The irony..." Captain Hook said.

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