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" WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Arjun howled as Bheem stopped him from attacking Ren, who sat on the couch comfortably.

" You wanted to know what Evi saved you from right? And I will be more than happy to narrate every bit of stupidity that she averted" Ren signalled the three to sit down, as they agreed reluctantly. They knew, what they were going to hear would be completely distasteful, but still, they were curious.

" First of all, why am I the only one who looks shocked about the fact that Evi is from KALYUG? Did you two already know?" Karna asked the Pandavas.

" She did... tell us that" Bheem replied, " but none of us questioned her further"

" She wouldn't have said anything anyways" Ren notified, " telling people about the future only destroys it... and she loved you all too much to lead you down that path. Its disturbing, how much you all hate her... given the fact that she had been sacrificing her health and sanity for your sake"

" I don't hate her" Karna spoke, " and I don't think I have been benefitted in anyway-"

" OH YOU WILL KNOW" Ren scoffed, " so listen quietly as I tell you what I remember of the epic, Mahabharata"

The three men huddled close to Ren, as he narrated,

" The changes occured from the moment she was found by the Pandavas. Hridasura's tribe was supposed to get decimated. Panchali was supposed to be wedded to Arjuna... and you, Karna, were supposed to get humiliated in the Swayamvar"

" Hu-humiliated?" Karna stammered.

" Krishna had already told her, that she was destined to be with Arjun, so she got scared when you came up to string the bow. She thus, out of desperation, called you a Sutaputra, who would be unfit as a husband of a Princess"

Karna lowered his head in shame, clenching his hands to subdue his anger.

" From that day, you and Duryodhana cultivated hatred towards her. But it got multiplied when she was won over by Arjuna, disguised as a Brahmin"

" So Bhabishree never comes into the scene?" Bheem asked.

" No, she doesn't" Ren replied, " Shikhandini never becomes a part of the Kuru family directly"

The two Pandavas gasped at the possibility. Over the past few months, they have gotten closer to Shikhandini as if she were their older sister. The fact that in any universe she wasn't a part of their family, or a part of their Jyesth's life, was unimaginable to them.

" But the sequence remains the same as her. Draupadi gets divided among you five because of Kunti's ignorance. Unlike Shikhandini, Draupadi wasn't tactful or clever. She thus complied to the wishes of you five. It was weird, how a child was getting divided among five grown men who couldn't just disregard their mother's slip of tongue" Ren huffed in disgust.

" Don't you dare speak against our mother-"

" I am not talking against your mother Bheem... I am insulting the life choices of YOU FIVE. Like I don't even GET why the FUCK you all thought that dividing a person among yourselves was a better alternative than just not following your mother's accidental wish"

The three straightened themselves as Ren's voice grew with anger. Karna looked awkwardly between the two as he couldn't understand whether he was a part of the story or not.

" What happened to me?" he asked, like a five year old wanting to hear a bedtime story.

" Oh your story is coming, and it doesn't have a great end buddy" Ren scoffed again. Unlike Evi, he didn't have any kind of feeling towards to people in front of him. The Mahabharata he knew, was the amalgamation of whatever Evi narrated to him after he had erased his memories time and time again, and whatever Krishna had told. In fact, he found every character utterly stupid and childish, as they brought on a war out of nothing, and deliberately chose to break bonds over measely stuff as politics and crown. 

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