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Shikhandini breathed a sigh of relief as she saw a familiar face, but her expression soon hardened at the sight of her sister.

" Evi, Drau, what are you two doing here?"

Evi rushed to Shikhandini and grabbed her by her shoulders " HAVE YOU GONE CRAZY!? WHY WOULD YOU AGREE TO THAT!!???"

Shikhandini looked towards Draupadi who was on the verge of crying.

" Let's sit down for a second. Too many people are crying" Shikhandini whispered to Evi, turning her head towards Kunti.

Evi calmed down, but still shot a disgusted look at Yudhishthir. " How could you let this happen?"

Yudhishthir knew, he was at fault, but Evi's words pricked him. They were like poison, turning his calm into a storm everytime. " You are at no place to say that to me" he spat.

" Excuse me?" Evi stomped towards him. " This is my friend whose life you just destroyed. Because you are SO HELL BENT on your so-called Dharma, you destroyed the life of that ONE PERSON you are literally supposed to protect Yudhishthir"

Yudhishthir too felt the heat rise up to his head. He walked up to Evi, giving the deadliest stare he had ever put on. " DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT HAD HAPPENED HERE?"

" YES I KNOW! Your mother mistakenly asked you to divide your daan and now you're adamant on doing so. ON WHAT LEVEL IS THAT OKAY? YOUR MOTHER IS HUMAN! A HUMAN IS ALLOWED TO MAKE MISTAKES!" Evi shouted at his face.

" MY MOTHER WAS ASLEEP WHEN WE ENTERED THE HUT. MAYBE IF YOU HADN'T CREATED THAT COMMOTION AT THE SWAYAMVAR, WE WOULD HAVE RETURNED EARLIER AND WOULDN'T HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS TORTURE!!" He screamed out his frustration, but instantly realised that he had just shifted the blame for his actions onto Evi.


Evi scoffed at Yudhishthir before walking back to Shikhandini. "Let's go back Shikhandini. There's no need for you to associate with these idiots" She held Shikhandini's hand and pulled her.

" Don't YOU DARE TAKE HER AWAY DEVIKA! SHE'S THE KULVADHU OF KURU VANSH" Bheem screamed as Yudhishthir seemed too shocked to even say anything.

" OH?" Evi stopped. " So now you all think that? Where was this respect for her when you called her a 'daan' to prank your mother?"

Nakul and Arjun hung their heads in shame. They never thought their harmless prank would turn out to be their gravest sin.

" You cannot take her Devika.." Yudhishthir spoke. " She's my wife"

Evi scrunched up her face in disgust. "She doesn't approve of you. Let's go Shikha" she tugged at Shikhandini's hand but felt a resistance. " Shikha?"

" I approve of him Evi. I have taken him as my husband" Shikhandini spoke.

" But JIJI... THEY... ITS NOT RIGHT. THEY CANNOT FORCE YOU TO GIVE UP YOUR WEAPONS AND MARRY ALL OF THEM!" Draupadi cried. " Your weapons are your life... Its who you are Jiji..."

Shikhandini went over to Draupadi and patted her head. " They're not forcing me. I am taking this decision by myself. Don't worry about me Drau, its alright"

" Its... its all my fault. I should have agreed to marry Rajkumar Arjun. I shouldn't have rebelled against it. I am sorry... I am really sorry jiji.." Draupadi cried into Shikhandini's arms.

" Why are you doing this Shikha...." Evi whispered, inaudible to everyone except Shikhandini.

Shikhandini looked over to Evi and sported a cunning smile. A smile that Evi had very well seen over the past few days. "You really want to break the family from the inside " Evi figured what it meant.

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