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(Ya'll it was my birthday yesterday! Bonus, really unnecessary and skippable, excerpt to celebrate lol)


The weddings were set for the next day, so Evi and Shikhandini had the full night to themselves.

" I have to spend my life with FIVE men" Shikhandini whined as she gluged down her madira. " I want to enjoy as much as I can for tonight"

" I knew you would want that" Evi winked. " Because you and I are the same!!" She clapped her hands as hordes of beautiful women entered the chamber.

" WHOAAAAAAAAA" Shikhandini exclaimed as she stopped blinking. She could not afford to waste any time as her field of vision got filled with beauties. " Where did you even get them?"

"I stole them from my fiance" Evi grinned. She had always watched Krishna surrounded with them, so in his absence she scouted them to Shikhandini's room instead. " Doesn't he have the best taste?"

" Of couse. Its Vasudev we are talking about" Shikhandini wobbled as two of the women carried her off to the main couch. " He's the biggest flirt in Aryavart!" she shouted as all the women giggled at her comment.

" THAT's for sure!" Evi laughed. She hoped to get drunk too but didn't want to compromise her health further. "Anyways! Let's start some music!!" 

The whole night passed with room full of laughter and wine. Draupadi too joined them in the middle of the party, although against both Evi's and Shikhandini's wishes as they still saw her as a child. 

In the morning, Shikhandini rubbed her eyes open to find five women sleeping surrounding her on the bed. " I will miss this so much" she whined while getting off and searching for Evi. She found her lying on a big couch, spooning with her baby sister.

" NO no... absolutely not" She dashed towards them and lifted off Draupadi. Evi too woke up with the commotion.

" What are you doing Shikha?" she asked while yawning.

" Making sure my sister is safe from you. Even if you're my friend, you would need to earn my acceptance too see you as a sister-in-law" Shikhandini stated as she laid down Draupadi on a different couch.

" A sister in law? what do you mean?" Evi yawned again. 

" You do know Drau has accepted you as her wife right?"

" hmm?" Evi whipped her head towards Shikhandini. " EXCUSE ME WHAAAATTT?????"


Shikhandini for the first time in her life understood, how absolutely uncomfortable a woman's clothes can be. She kept shifting in her place as more and more ornaments were being attached to her hair.

" Should have cut my hair when I had the time" Shikhandini whined as Evi laughed at her complaints. " I completely forgot about it after my last battle at the Peninsula you know? I let my hair grow out"

" Its good isn't it? If you had short hair people would have mistaken you as the groom" Evi laughed getting a glare from both the sisters.

" Sakhi! don't mock jiji, she's already tolerating a lot" Draupadi said as she struggled with the bangles. " But seriously, why are your hands so hard? I can barely make these bangles fit" 

" Ow-ow-ow" Shikhandini winced as Draupadi relentlessly tried to make the bangles slip through. " Stop Drau, my flesh will rip off. I told you, your jewelleries won't fit me"

" Wait let me-" Evi took the bunch of bangles and put them inside her metal arm.

" Whoa.. were did the bangles go?" Draupadi exclaimed. 

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