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I will not be backing down from my decision Pitashree" Duryodhan howled, as his voice echoed in the room, " it will be me, and only ME, who will kill Jarasandh"

" WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME! I AM THE KING OF HASTINAPUR, AND YOU DURYODHAN WILL OBEY MY ORDERS!" Dhritarashtra hollered, making the maids flinch away.

None of the people knew how Jarasandh got the boon, but Anga's spy network had already attested the fact. It seems, after the death of Jara's son, she gave up her life, and in return for the sacrifice, shielded Jarasandh, the only remaining son of hers who carried her name, from death. He was thus now, not only one of the the strongest warriors in Aryavart, but also, anyone who DOES succeed in killing him, will die too.

However, why or how Dusshala came to know the fact, still remained a mystery. But that didn't matter at the point. The war was inevitable, and so was Jarasandh's death. And Duryodhan wasn't letting anyone else die on his watch, for a mistake that he committed.


" ENOUGH" Bhishma ordered, making the two stop arguing for a second, " just calm down for a second. The war, the fights, Dusshala hasn't even woken up yet. Do you think she would want to see her brother die before she wakes up? Don't you have any consideration about her?"

" She'd rather see me dead" Duryodhan spoke though his gritted teeth, " than alive and begging for forgiveness"

" Asking for forgiveness is not an act of cowardice Duryodhan" Shikhandini spoke, " and I agree with Mahamahim, you should wait till she wakes up."

" We would need to train the armies too" Karna and Arjun spoke, " Hastinapur has a good amount of allies too. We need to inform them. Jarasandh may use magic to hypnotise-"

" No need to train the armies" Ren interjected, " I will take care of that"

" Ren, we cannot use your weapons-"

" I don't care of what you can or cannot do" Ren shot back, " now first listen to my proposal. The foot-soldiers and knights aren't related to any of the things that went down in the Sabha, nor is the whole damn cavalry. Why include people who did nothing wrong in a war like this?"

" That's what a war is" Drona scoffed, "we would need footsoldiers for war"

" No, I will not let that happen" Ren stated, " a few innocents have already died because of Evi's rampage, and I don't want to burden her with any more deaths. I will make sure that none of the soldiers can fight in the war"

" What?" Everyone in the room gasped, "how?"

" Mass transportation. I will transport every soldier out of the war field, leaving only the royals. The fight is that of revenge, not land. No one needs to involve people who don't even have any opinion on this matter"

" That's not how wars work Ren" Shikhandini spoke.

" Because it shouldn't be a war... its a battle" Ren spoke, "plus aren't there already rules in this yug that a fight always has to be one on one? Then why do you need extra deaths? The foot soldiers will never fight the royals, so what's the point?"

" Why don't we just then invite Jarasandh for a fight? What's the point of waging a war?" Vidur scoffed.

" Because he won't agree to the fucking invitation" Ren gritted his teeth, " and yes, there isn't any point of waging a war. But to instill fear among people who dare to do such immoral acts, sometimes you need to have a show of power"

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