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Bhishma had told the Pandavas and Kauravas to not interfere with the battle. He ordered them to take care of their brothers who were still concussing, but Shikhandini didn't care.

"WHY DOES SHE WANT TO DIE!?" Shikhandini accompanied Yudhishthir and an unconscious Arjun to his room, but just as Arjun was kept on his bed, she dashed to chase Evi and Bhishma.

She followed the cracks and rumble and reached the gallery, only to find the most bone-chilling scene.

Evi stood in front of Bhishma, only a few meters away, witnessing the heavens conjure up to let the Brahmastra take its form.

But it wasn't only the weapon that descended from the heavens.

Numerous gods emerged from the skies, to witness the chaos created by Evi.

"Why..." Evi cried as she saw the celestials hovering in the sky. Fear engulfed her, but she held her faith in Bhishma. "Please... Let me perish" she begged.

"You've committed a grave mistake Evi" Shiva declared as he descended too and stood in between Bhishma and Evi.

"I know" Evi muttered. "But you left me with no other choice"

"Is staying alive such a torture for you?" Shiva accused. "Is it really so offensive to work for Gods?"

"How can you let those words out of your mouth when you KNOW how doomed the future of humanity is " Evi retorted back. "I have been alive for over 800 years, I have served my purpose throughout these years and I have EARNED my right to die"Evi huffed.

Shiva took a deep sigh, before heading towards Bhishma.

"Wh-what are you DOING?" Evi dashed towards Shiva.

" Keeping you alive" Shiva stated. He started humming mantras to invoke his own weapon to counter Bhishma's but Evi knew it would be catastrophic.

"STOP! HASTINAPUR WILL GET ERADICATED!" She went and kicked Shiva to break his concentration.

"Not enough" Evi cried. She knew, nothing would work on any of these celestials, but she needed to just keep Shiva at bay. Just for few more seconds.

She activated her arm and equipped it with the biggest attacks possible.

"Whatever is on my side, luck, fate, pure unravelled stupidity.... Please, let these attacks faze Shiva"

Evi unleashed a barrage of attacks, each with increasing intensity. She knew guns and other mechanical weapons were meaningless, so she used nuclear attacks which were contained by her metallic arm.

The Brahmastra was still in midst of its formation, but Evi noticed something more amusing. Shiva was actually getting tired.

He hadn't been countering Evi's attacks as that would kill her. Nor was he dodging them as it would destroy Hastinapur. He was instead absorbing them, which apparently made him tired.

"Too much energy is bad" Evi remembered the first thing that her commander had told her when she got equipped with the arm.

"Just a few seconds more" Evi looked at Bhishma, as she could tell his incarnations were at its final stages.

But the moment her focus from Shiva was broken, she found herself attacked from behind, as she crashed onto the ground almost instantly, writhing in pain.

"ARGHH..HHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Evi let out a bloodcurling scream as a bone crushing weight smashed onto her back, pushing her further down into the earth.

A dialogue box came into her view, which she was unable to even read after the assault. The voice-over narrated;

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