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Dusshala cried at Evi's wails, feeling guilty for everything. Had she not been there, Draupadi and Evi would have made up. She knew, her interference helped Evi 'escape' Draupadi a lot of times, but she didn't expect that two women could be in such a complicated relationship. 

' I need to do something' Dusshala wiped her tears and snatched the apology letter from Evi's hands, who was too dazed to even care. 

She ran through the litted hallway which was previously in the dark to catch up to Draupadi. 'Please DON'T go to Bhrata Arjun Draupadi!' Dusshala prayed just as she came across the two, standing face to face.

" Rajkumar Arjun will you-"

" DRAUPADIIIII !!!!!!" Dusshala screamed, making the two startle at the shrill noise. She dashed and pulled Draupadi away from the place, leaving a very confused Arjun all by himself.

" Wh- What are you doing jiji?" Draupadi tried to get out of Dusshala's grip but the latter was much stronger. 

" Stopping you from marrying that dumbhead" Dusshala mumbled and stopped once she had ensured enough distance from Arjun. " Were you really going to do it? Marry Rajkumar Arjun out of spite?"

" You don't understand my situation jiji. Sakhi is-"

" And you don't understand Evi's feelings either Draupadi. She's trying so hard, to keep you happy and content, but everything right now is a mess. Just in the morning she was being tortured with the Agni Pariksha, and now she's being burdened by punishments" Dusshala explained.

Draupadi remained silent but was still adamant on her decisions. She wasn't happy nor was she willing to compromise her love for Evi.

" Look at this Draupadi, Evi was writing an apology to you for her behaviour this morning" Dusshala forwarded the letter to Draupadi. " You want Evi's love.... And I get its frustrating for you. But its frustrating for her too. She is tired... too tired to even love someone the way you want to be loved. Plus she is already married to Hridasura who she loves thoroughly. I just think you need to give her some time Draupadi. And in that time, you need to grow too"

" But she doesn't love Hridasura...." Draupadi mumbled. " I have seen how she acts around him"

Dusshala smiled and tousled Draupadi's hair. "That's because you are still unaware of how many ways a person can show their love. Evi cares for Hridasura a lot. Sometimes even more than she cares for herself. And Hridasura knows it. Why else do you think Hridasura stays around Evi?"

" I know.." Draupadi pushed off Dusshala's hand, " the types of love in this world. I have been taught about them since I was born"

" These aren't things to be taught Draupadi, these are things to be experienced" Dusshala said. "And that's what Evi wants for you. She wants you to see the world for itself before getting bound in married life. She wants you to experience the different things that humanity has to offer before settling down"

" And what if I want to do all that with her? Why can't she allow me to do so?" Draupadi cried.

" She's not in a position to do all those things, Draupadi. Tomorrow, she will be punished for her actions. She will be bound to her duties. She knows, what she wants for you, she cannot give it to you herself"

" And what about me being a child to her? Will she ever see me as a woman?"

" Its not about being a woman, Draupadi. It about being a partner. She's not a man in search of a woman. Or a woman in search of a man. She's just a tired person who wants companionship. Someone who she can talk to"

Draupadi shifted in her place as her eyes lost the vigour. " Am I not someone she can talk to?" 

" Ask yourself Draupadi, have you been someone she can talk to without any constraints?" 

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