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Evi and Krishna got ready to leave at daybreak. Her departure made the Pandavas have mixed feelings. The younger three Pandavas were visibly upset, but Bheem was even more so.

Even though he was the one who thrashed Evi the most, he loved that there was someone who could endure him physically. He became a babbling mess but Evi knew that they would be meeting soon, so she just kept her goodbyes short.

Giving away her Akshaya Patra to Kunti, she left with Krishna in his chariot.

The ride was silent, almost too much. Evi had her head turned away from Krishna all the time while Krishna would try to catch a glance every hour to see if she had "forgiven" him or not.

As the light went out, Krishna and Evi promptly helped each other to set up a tent without much conversation but Evi's nose caught something.

After seeing her VIOLENTLY sniffing around, Krishna asked

"What is it?"

"Meat" Evi said as she kept treading towards the smell. "Someone is cooking meat"

Evi started to run as her mouth salivated at the smell. She didn't mind if she looked like a savage. She just wanted to have meat.

Soon she entered a camp. She didn't care about the soldiers and went to find the source of smell.

" I cannot believe it" she almost cried as she saw a woman cooking a large batch of meat in a cauldron larger than her. She treaded closer and asked "miss can I have some of that?"

The lady who almost jumped at her request started shooing her away saying that the princes would get angry.

"This is not for you, you savage. Get out of here" the other cooks shoved Evi out and she groaned mentally

"Then why the FUCK are y'all cooking meat in the middle of the forest?"

"Who are you?" She heard a man from behind. She turned around to see a royal, not to mention the bejeweled crown he was wearing was completely unnecessary at night time. "This is your plan isn't it?" Evi thought.

"Don't blame me for the consequences of your actions" Krishna said loudly as he entered the camp being all cheeky.

The man turned to Krishna as his eyes widened in shock. "Va-vasudev?" He joined his hands and bowed a bit.

"Dussashan! I hope you're well!" Krishna said while slapping Dussashan in the back as he stood awkwardly. He started to look around for his older brother.

"Don't tell me you can read my mind" Evi spat, making Krishna shrug. "And it wouldn't be the consequence of my action if you hadn't set the situation like this. Don't blame humanity for your poor execution of plans"

"I am not blaming humanity. I am blaming you" Krishna came near Evi which made her stiff up a bit.

Before Evi could say something Krishna flicked her forehead and whispered "whenever you think about talking to me, I hear it. Same goes with every human who prays to me. That's how I listen"

He turned back to see that Dussashan had already left to call his big brother and chuckled.

"What's your plan?" Evi asked.

"Plan? What plan?" He turned to Evi and looked up with puppy eyes (he's shorter than Evi).

Evi almost died with cringe just when two big men accompanied Dussashan to Krishna.

Evi tried to decipher who was who, but it was pretty clear. The one with the BIG ASS sun symbol on his forehead was obviously Karna. Not to mention the other guy's bigger stance gave away that he was Duryodhan, the mace fighter.

They were more handsome than Evi wanted them to be, as she had a bias against beautiful people. "Maybe if Pandavas weren't all that roughed up by the wild, I would have been better to them too" Evi, who was lost in her thoughts was brought back to life as Krishna held her in a chokehold.

"And SHE, is a stray I found on my way to Panchal. She was so scared that I couldn't help but pick her up" Krishna grinned.

Evi instinctively removed herself from Krishna's grasp and pushed him away with a "don't you fucking touch me" glare. And that didn't go unnoticed by the three royals.

"A woman?" Dussashan came closer to inspect Evi from head to toe.

"You all really ARE blinded by muscles" Evi sighed and flicked Dussashan's forehead.

As he writhed in pain, Duryodhan and Krishna talked about their accomodations in the camp. Evi, taking advantage of Karna's good nature, asked him "Angraj Karna, I want an alm"

Karna was taken aback by the fact that the weird looking woman knew him. But he still complied. "What do you need Devi?"

"Food. To be exact, I want to eat that" she pointed at the curry making him laugh.

"We were already going to serve you and Vasudev the food. Don't worry" He looked over to Dussashan who's forehead was now red. "Tell me, how did a normal flick did that much damage? I know Vasudev always picks up extraordinary people, but that seems too much"

"Let me tell you a secret" She actioned Karna to bend down while Dussashan joined in too. "He didn't pick me up, he's keeping a friend of mine captive and is forcing me to accompany him"

Both the men gasped at her. Even though the Kaurava hated Krishna, Dussashan would have never thought Krishna would do something like that. Yes he has broken a lot of pots, stole a lot of butter, cat called a lot of girls, flirted with married women, but FORCING A GIRL? never right?

They shot him accusing looks but Krishna put up his hands in defence

"Don't listen to her Angraj. She has already beaten me up just for helping her"

"So are you really keeping her friend captive?" Dussashan asked.

"What? No. Not at all. He's actually allowed to go wherever he wants but he is CHOOSING to stay with me"

"ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT" Evi shouted making everyone jump. She wasn't sure if they were amazed at her lung capacity or the curse.

"Wow, she IS foul mouthed as you said" Duryodhan commented making Evi frown. "What is he telling them about me?"

Soon all the blabber died down as the food arrived. One thing Krishna knew for sure was that food can always shut up a hungry dumb person.


Hello Readers!

A small chapter to celebrate my theory exams ending! I blew it probably but so did the other students of my batch.

Practicals are left and I am super scared. But hopefully nothing too bad will happen.

I want to skip to the dramatic parts so much. I hope there was a machine that could just write whatever I thought but 😔.

Anyways, stay healthy and VOTE.

Y'all really don't vote. 100+ people are reading each chapter but they barely have 10 votes. Its just a click people 🤧🥺.

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