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The court was too quiet for Evi. It was clear, almost everyone was wary of her. No one wanted to make any sudden movements, as if she was a wild animal, waiting to pounce on them. But thankfully, soon chaos engulfed the place. 

Evi scoffed at her condition. No wonder she felt comfortable in chaos rather than silence. It was like music to her ears, the quarrels, the accusations. Evi didn't heed to any of them, but just waited for her punishments to be told. She knew that she deserved them, so any kind of argument would be in vain.

Even Shikhandini stayed silent, her gaze completely focused on the ground. it wasn't shame, or guilt that covered her face, but rather indifference. Her lifelong vow was over, she had finally ripped Bhishma off of his laurels. But now what? What did her life mean to her? What was she supposed to do now?

Evi could see the calmness that had engulfed Shikhandini. It wasn't a good one for sure, as Shikhandini slowly started looking like a corpse, waiting for itself to decompose. 

Evi spent the whole time deciphering Shikhandini's demeanor. She didn't feel guilty towards her like she felt with the Kuru Princes. Instead, even after knowing that Parvati had manipulated her, Evi felt betrayed by Shikhandini. 'Disappointment' was the emotion that Evi felt, but she couldn't show it either. Alas, everything that had happened, happened because of her actions.

" SILENCE!" Dhritarashtra ordered to subdue the chaos. " I am sure once the actual terms are kept upfront, we will be able to negotiate better" He stated.

" Firstly, I want to say that because of Mahamahim's tragedy, we will now be recruiting more soldiers from the Hastinapur masses. This will create a huge blow on our economy, but as per our already gathered information, we know that the neighbouring kingdoms are very keen on waging war with us. We thus cannot compromise on our defense." He announced as the whole court agreed with him.

" Now, to start with Miss Devika, even after searching for a week, none of our people could track your family or your clan. If we had, we would have asked them to be present and to help with the reparations, but now its not possible. Thus you would have to fulfill all the terms by yourself"

" I understand, your Majesty" Evi stated.

" First term, as proposed by Mantri Vidur, is that you will be recruited in our army. However, you will be under the direct order from me as well as Rajkumar Yudhishthir. You can accompany the Pandavas and help them settle in Khandavprastha. However, if they decide to reign freely over Khandav prastha as an independent nation, you will have to serve Hastinapur instead"

" I understand" Evi stated. " Although. I don't have any intention on accompanying the Pandavas" 

The whole court gasped and finally Shikhandini's gaze fell on Evi. Evi however, stayed still, her eyes only focusing on the King. " I am sorry Shikha. But I cannot be with people who hate me"

" Okay..." Dhritarashtra was also shocked to hear her decision. " Anyways, Mantri Vidur has decided to not provide any punishment to our Kulvadhu. The second term, proposed by the Pandavas.. You will need to leave your arm with Rajkumari Shikhandini and thus the Pandavas. As Khandavprastha will be turned into habitable city, they will take the weapon with them"

Evi blinked a few times, unsure whether she heard the King correctly or not.

" Ex- Excuse me?" Evi was baffled to say the least. " Are you kidding me?" She turned to face the Pandavas as her eyes fell onto the stoic face of the eldest." This arm is a part of me! This is not JUST a weapon that you dare to take away!"

" Your arm's attack was the one that rendered the greatest warrior of Aryavart on the edge of death" Yudhishthir spoke in a formal manner. 

" And? I am not the one who-" Evi bit her tongue. She wanted to shift the blame, but Shikhandini would have had to suffer the blow. " This has to be Adharma, your Majesty" Evi turned to face Dhritarashtra. " The Pandavas cannot just take a part of my body with them!!"

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