Chapter 42: Life Shining Across The Years

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Revenge, you returned to your duties. There was nothing more of your life as a deity anyway, other than to watch over the Mizuchi bloodline. Your sister, Peace, joined with you, having to merge with a mortal soul as well apparently when you did. Well, she did a human form. Or perhaps she was given one to send down with Yuna Mizuchi.

You sat there, on your wheelchair in the grey room. Easily, you stretched and coughed as the IV bag tugged at your arm. Your brother rushed to you, "Yuna! Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, your memories returned to you quickly.

"She is." Your doctor smiled. A wonderfully beautiful woman, with placid purple eyes and her hair up in a domestic bun loosely. "She just tried using her brain too much." She explained and pushed you along the hospital halls with your brother joining you.

"Dr.Tamayo!" Your father rushed over, you looked around, "she's alright, right?" He looked at you and patted your cheek comfortingly.

"Thankfully, she is. Though I do think we should change around her yearly brain scans to every six months. Her MS is rather severe for a child her age." She frowned and shook her head. You wondered if they thought you couldn't understand them, as the third triple came over. With blue eyes and black hair. She looked just like your father.

"What's MS?" She asked, looking curiously at the woman.

"Multiple Sclerosis." Tamayo responded as she pushed you out of the hospital to see what was happening, you needed fresh air, after being cooped up in the hospital room for three days.

"I don't know what that is but I promise I'll protect you!" Hayato exclaimed, nodding passionately.

"I'm sure you will," your mother nodded as she walked up to the group of you, smiling. Beside her was a celebrity. He was an Olympic swimmer who you met when he did a visit to the hospital. You weren't sure what he liked about you, considering how quiet you were, but he was just as quiet. He stayed in good relations with the family as it seemed. Perhaps it was your mother doting over him.

"Tomioka!" Yasu, your twin sister, cheered for the man, who smiled down at them nicely and crouched down.

"I'm glad to see you okay. I came as soon as I heard." He had a calming voice you were rather fond of. "Brother Sabito has been asking about you." He nodded back to the sleek blue car the pair drove around in. There was never a moment he, his friend Sabito and their coach, Makomo, weren't seen together. They rolled down the window and both waved at you as you waved back, until Sabito cursed at a boy vaulting over the car. He wore a school uniform.

"Hah~ That boy is famous for these shenanigans." Your father complained at the sight of him.

"Sumihiko! Do you know how much this car costs!?" Sabito yelled at the boy, who yelled an apology as a police car drove after him. It was exciting to see the chaotic life of Japan so early in the morning.

"Wow! Yuna your face is all puffy!" Makomo cooed as finally, your butler arrived with a bag of clothes. You liked how quiet he was, and how the scar disturbed his hair. He rubbed your head and bowed to your parents.

"Look at this painting," Yasu suddenly said, presenting a picture on her phone, a woman who looked just like Tamayo there, amongst a lake, admiring the clean water.

"I keep trying to ask the painter if we can meet, but he refuses. I truly want him to meet you. It can't be a coincidence that all he paints is a woman called Tamayo and she also looks just like you. Perhaps you're a reincarnate." Your father sighed, taking his phone from Yasu and looking at his wife. "Is she able to be discharged?" He looked down at you as you saw more school kids on their way to school. One with black and vermillion hair, walking next to her sister - who had her hair in a mohawk, but with a similar style of hair - black and vermillion. She had a scar across her face, as she pointed at the police car which was a distance away.

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