Chapter 3: Trialing

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Time passed, your swords never broke because of course they wouldn't. You watched the world transition to the Taisho Era and suddenly, demons were growing more erratic. To the point that your throne began acting up. You kept them below you, occasionally sending demons to do your bidding. It was enjoyable.

Like the demon who broke your sword, you picked up his head and though he feared the most, you took him out of the room, where you fed his head five drops of your blood. His body grew back instantly and he looked at his hands, before looking at you.

"You... you freed me..." he looked at you hopefully.

"No, of course I didn't! Hah!" You laughed as his face fell. "You're my slave. Don't get it mixed up." You pinched his chin, "outside, it's daytime and the rain is pouring. I'm sending you on a mission." You cooed and leaned closer to the thing. "Go to the mountains... and bring me back some scarlet ore... if you find any demon on your way with a fire related demon blood art... bring them to me and I may not disintegrate your body when you return. If you don't come back, I - will - find~ - you!~" you teased and he shuddered, looking at the dull outside, "you have three days before my blood and breathing begins to help me track you... so be back soon, or your punishment for tardiness won't just be your body. I'll leave you as your eyeballs if it comes to it." You cooed and slapped his head to force him out of the house. He rushed off.

You needed scarlet ore to forge a few new weapons. You wanted to make a nichirin weapon for Giyuu. The boy became a hashira as of recently, overtaking his mentor for the position respectfully. And to congratulate him, you wanted to smith him his own sword. It was something you agreed to do with Gyomei, who had visited when the time arrived, staying for a few days.

"It smells of... it smells of iron." He opined and walked into your home. You led him to his room, where the bed was set up for him.

"I would hope it smelled of wisteria also." You smiled as he nodded, knowing you were busying yourself with chores around him.

"Why do you always smell of iron?" He asked, looking at you.

"Why have you been sniffing me all these years, boy?" You questioned with a smile. He shook his head, knowing he wasn't going to get an answer any time soon. He was served and catered for as if he was your son. You waited for the demon, third day and your heart was pounding. It heightened your senses and honestly, you felt you could take on a God. Which you probably could.

He returned that night, dragging a demon behind him, desperately making eye contact with you. You smiled as he gave the bag of ore and the demon, who was unconscious. You caressed his cheek, "what a good boy..." you sang and cut off his limbs with a trace of your blood lacing the blade you used. He screamed and you silenced him, "I don't want you escaping! So sleep, I'll be with you soon enough." You cooed and with the hilt of your sword, knocked him out. You tossed the slowly bleeding body into the kitchen, close to the window with a bit of disgust, before turning to the demon who lay outside. It was red, and had green hair. It certainly wasn't a pretty thing. Which was a shame, you liked them good looking for your throne. You bound it and tied it roughly, Gyomei lay asleep when it woke up.

"Good morning..." you snickered at the irony of wishing a good morning to the only thing that feared the day. It looked around, bound to the chains at the post of your home. It looked at you and scowled.

"That damn demon set me up for this. When I get him..." it cursed and broke out of the chains, sniffing around, "wait... he's close..." it rushed into the home and found him dismembered and on the floor in a pool of dried blood. You pulled back on the collar you gave the demon and picked it up as it kicked and flailed in resistance.

"That damn demon is my pet. And you'll be too. Don't worry. I just want you to be straightened out first." You giggled and pulled the demon back. No matter how much it fought, it was silenced. It was cut and tortured in your sick ways. You knew you weren't going to Heaven when the time came. You even let its legs burn in the Sun before you pulled the tired and bloody thing back into the shade. You gagged its voice to silence and tossed your new pet into a closet to continue sleeping as Gyomei woke up. The smell of slight burning demon blood flooded the room as parts of the blood burnt in contact with the flowing Sun.

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