Chapter 0: Yuna Mizuchi

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Yuna Mizuchi

Yuna Mizuchi

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Kanji: 蛟竜 結菜Romaji: Yuna Mizuchi

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Kanji: 蛟竜 結菜
Romaji: Yuna Mizuchi


Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Height: 177.8cm (5'10")
Weight: 65kg
Birthday: March 20th
Hair colour: Black with brown tips
Eye colour: Neon pink


Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps
Occupation: Demon slayer
Carer of Ubuyashiki (formerly)
Combat Style: Water Breathing
Partner(s): Shie (former servant)
Yaku (servant)
Sūrebu ("pet")
Ubuyashiki (accomplice)

Personal Status

Status: Active

"It's the skill of a Mizuchi. It's the skill of quite simply, me. It's not the skill of a Hashira at all. Because I'm not a Hashira, must I remind you. It's my skill."
Yuna Mizuchi to Kyojuro Rengoku in Chapter 6: Deals.

Yuna Mizuchi was a demon slayer for the Demon Slayer Corps, formerly known as Kagaya Ubuyashiki's carer when he was younger and one of the oldest demon slayers in the corps still alive.

Yuna Mizuchi was a tall woman, with black hair going brown at the tips and neon pink, narrow eyes: making her bland to look at. She often bore a sinister or condescending grin regardless of her intentions. Her hair was done up in an elegant ponytail and had a parted fringe as well as two longer strands she kept out.

She wore a haori, fading from black to bright pink, it was often seen tied with a string around her waist, where the top half hung. Her uniform had a slight yellow tint to it, and was tied by the ends with basic bandages. She wore basic sandals and her uniform came in one piece, similar to a jumpsuit. She wore her uniform the way she did so that she didn't feel the restraints of her sleeves and grievers pulling against her - similar to how Inosuke felt about his clothes.

Under the uniform, it is said she was toned and incredibly muscular, that she could be mistaken for a man if no one saw her face. She claimed that everything exposed by from her uniform deceived people into thinking she was rather frail below. There are no mentions of scars though it is heavily implied she healed too quickly for scars to form. It is also stated that her muscles grew so tense and tangled, that stone couldn't penetrate through her.

Yuna was perceived often to be cruel and unforgiving to everyone, though her main targets were demons. She presented herself as lazy and apathetically skilled, showing no effort in her combat and nearly never using a breathing technique. She was very traditional in her way of thinking and often shared good life teachings to those around her. Being very simplistic in her nature, she believed in answering only when questioned and rejecting what she didn't like as it was, without much regard for the feelings of others. She was very strong in her concept of revenge also, being especially cruel to those who didn't do as she said or because they had done something to offend her.

It is noted by her demons that she was evil, and cruel in her way of thinking. Often agreed to by the reaction her peers gave her when she spoke truthfully or they saw what she had done. It is also noted that she is feared, as Gyomei dared not to speak up about what she does at night when he was staying there. She showed a great sense of favouritism to both Giyuu and Gyomei.

She seemed to have some narcissistic traits, though acknowledging her talents and admiring herself, often also training to get better. She had a constant need for power and feeling weak - later it was revealed that she had a conflicting complex, as she claims she "never deserved" the title of a demon slayer, let alone the Hashira.

To strangers, when she found necessary, she was manipulative and flirtatious, often wooing who she needed to get her way. She used her skills when escaping prison with her contraband.

Yuna trained under a water breather from the age of 8, killing her trainer before becoming a demon slayer. From there, she grew in ranks until she was eventually able to meet Kagaya Ubayshiki's father where she could grow close enough to then care for his son after he killed himself.

It is noted that she had a close connection to the Hashira, long enough to spot patterns amongst who was accepted as a Hashira. She pointed out the patterns to Kagaya, to whom she had no fondness in.

Overall abilities: As an incredibly experienced demon slayer under an above-Hashira training routine in infancy, she had the skill of a pillar, though refused to take on the role. It's often stressed her skills exceeded a pillar.

During her battle against 8 separate demons, she stresses her aerobic capabilities, controlling how she moved in the air rather frequently to her advantage. She held them up for some time and only got some assistance later in the battle, even then, defeating each individual demon independently.

Scientifically genius: She was seen extracting salts from acids in her home, with a lack of chemistry equipment. This as well as the text implying she was able to cultivate genetically modified wisteria.

This wisteria is seen to survive after being harvested for months on end without water nor light. It is also so strong, it nearly kills Muzan Kibutsuji.

Fearlessness: Even when presented with Muzan Kibutsuji and the upper six, she faced them with no fear - their aura didn't phase her in the slightest and, as pointed out by Kokushibo, he felt her presence managed to combat and cancel out their aura.

Fighting Style
Water Breathing: She trained under her old trainer and later on, Sakonji Urokodaki. Mastering the breathing style.

Personal Breathing: She formed her own breathing style, derived off of water breathing, though no specified. It is said to be incredibly messy and doesn't work in certain conditions.

Yuna means "Kindness" - ironically.
Mizuchi is a water dragon in Japanese mythology, seen as a water deity (mi - "water", zu/tsu - "of", chi - "spirit").

• She was able to hold her breath for up to an hour normally.
• She had a twin brother, her father was a swordsmith and she shared her personality with her mother before all three died.
• She was a Marechi, her blood was able to make demons immune to sunlight temporarily when ingested, but prevented demon wounds from healing when she exposed their wounds to her blood.
• She hated breaking her sword and often repaired it herself, so though it kept her in good relations with her swordsmith, it didn't make her too memorable for him.
• She savoured food and disliked those who wasted food - fully encouraging hearty eaters like Kanroji Mitsuri and Kyojuro Rengoku because of their appetites.

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