Chapter 2: Charmed

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After some time, slaying demons, basking on your throne often and finding another servant for your bidding amongst the pile, Ubuyashiki grew pestering that you become a pillar. And it was still a no. But you visited often enough to see Gyomei become a pillar, to your delight.

"To what cause do you not want to be a pillar?" Gyomei asked as you sat with him. He was good, and cried as you relaxed with him.

"My boy, I don't blend with people like you. You're noble, heroic. You think better of the people around you and you aren't me. Be put in my spot, and see how easy it is to not deserve that heroic title." You scoffed and threw your sword quickly at your crow, who squawked and summoned you for a mission. It dodged, just as skilled as you were. You went off on the mission.

You fought, calling out your forms and cutting down on the demon little by little. A tough thing, closer and closer to a Kizuki as you could see. The blood demon art of warping the stone around you, and opening gaping holes to swallow you into. It was difficult! Environment wasn't a huge deal for you but the situation was simply excessive, even so, with a water based breathing style, you were fine to make do and plan ahead.

It shot at you and you blocked it with your normal sword. It snapped and he hit you still, breaking your nose. Not that you were worried about that. But the sword was where you drew your line. "Ugh! You stupid sack of mutilation!" You cursed as he laughed at you, "don't laugh!" You snapped, he stared for a moment and you took some of the blood that leaked from your nose, rubbing it against your nichirin blade and breathing, "first form; phage, sixfold," you grunted and danced suddenly, at the speed of a heightened heartbeat - each beat offering a different direction to slash. And once you released your breath, the demon exploded into smaller chunks. Head and main body still attached as it tried to regenerate, but couldn't, "I'm going to harvest your blood... I'm going to forge a new sword with it, and once I'm done with that? Your skin will make my new throne. Capiche? Try as you might to run, but with my blood in your cuts, you won't regenerate, and you certainly won't be going far without me knowing. I'll find you and when I'm done with you, being turned into a demon will be the second worst thing a filthy meat sack like you could wish for. I'm going to have fun torturing you, I'm going to have torturing your soul in a new damnation." You swore, harvesting the blood and stomping violently on the head of the demon. You spat on it and picked it up roughly. You carried it in your haori, dark pink and black, and left it to colour the purple as you knew exactly where you were going.

"You better shut the Hell up in there." You warned the demon, a few days later as you continued to walk on your journey. He kept trying to regenerate and simpered at the sun which bled through the fabric occasionally.

Eventually, you made it to the walls of the village. The swordsmith village. A man saw your uniform, he wore a mask, and he bowed.

"I need a sword fixed. It's not a nichirin blade, it's standard steel." You dropped the bag of the two metal pieces into his hand.

"What's in the sack, ma'am?" He asked after bowing and looking at the clean snap.

"The damn demon that snapped it. Here's its blood, put that in the sword. It's what my mother would have wanted anyway." You chuckled at the thought of your mother agreeing with you. He took the blood and as you walked in, he stopped you.

"You can't bring the demon in here, sorry." He apologised. You huffed and to the woods across from the wall, you unravelled your haori and watched the mass of flesh roll out, hissing at the sun before falling into the shade.

"Better not burn too much. I'll need that for leather." You hissed and left with the demon laying there, being useless. You walked into the village, bustling with masked people.

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