Chapter 37: Labyrinth: Kokushibo

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Isamu heard the explosion and the first thing he did was look for you. He knew you had gone into the woods and he knew you would go to the explosion. You were the only thing he had left, he wasn't losing you. But the air felt so heavy, thick with tension as his raven clapped towards him, landing on his wrist, "Kagaya Ubuyashiki is dead! Muzan Kibutsuji is nigh! Arrive for assistance by the master's mansion!" His raven announced and looked up, flying up quickly. Isamu looked forward to the direction of the master's mansion, Muzan Kibutsuji? What an old name.

He wasn't going until he knew you were there to fight alongside him or otherwise. He turned as he felt two arms grab him, it was you looking at the mansion and then to him with a stern expression, not even a smile. Isamu held onto you instinctively, "M-Mizuchi!" He exclaimed.

"Kagaya died. I don't know about his kids or wife. I know Kiriya is safe and that's all that really matters, but I need to see if any of them are alive." You shook your head and winked at the flash of the forest, "the forest is cursed. Blood demon art - you'll get lost if you go in." You explained, "it flashes like that when someone enters." You added and saw as a demon slayer ran in only to vanish behind a flash she didn't notice.

"W-Wait Mizuchi, slow down." He ordered and squeezed you suddenly, "Oyakata's dead? So who do we follow? The kid? He's like, 8." Isamu tried to recall what you taught him of the Corps etiquette and tradition. He shook his head and you stared at him.

"You follow him. I don't see a problem. Kagaya was 4 when he began leading." You shook your head, "and use your initiative. If you want me to tell you, go into the woods. The blood demon art is easy to break through - just out speed it. But I want you to make sure those demon slayers are okay." You nodded slowly so that it would really sink in for Isamu what he had to do.

"Is that empathy?" He chuckled weakly as you looked up and let go.

"Quantity is needed for this battle. We need meat shields." You vanished, the ground under you broke and Isamu watched you fly off. He turned to the woods and jogged in. He was in the search for stray demon slayers.

He led some to the battle, others he found dead. He found some of the plants were able to kill. With a click of his tongue, he hopped up and scanned the top surface of the woods, the battle happening. He could see you a distance from where the battle happened, digging through the rubble. He spotted yellow amongst the dark green, and landed behind it. Zenitsu turned around.

He should have led Zenitsu to the battlefield, he was told to do so. Looking at the boy however, how he was stressed and struggling, Isamu knew he wouldn't be in a good mental state for the battle. Plus, Isamu didn't want to, he liked Zenitsu. They spoke for some time, Isamu lying about what he knew and acting as oblivious as Zenitsu. It wasn't hard - he was nearly as lost as Zenitsu on how it worked.

He also hoped the stress Zenitsu had would distract him from the sound of him lying. Regardless, they spoke until Isamu heard the striking of a string instrument. He couldn't hear any before, he assumed he was too far. But at the quick recollection that you said the string instrument was something you heard and it never meant good, he scooped up Zenitsu and jumped.

You told him, after finding your ancestor's old home, that the sound of a string instrument from nowhere wasn't a good thing. To avoid staying in one place if he heard one. You warned him sternly, and mentioned you knew he could hear one before giving the news of Hanko's home.

But he didn't actually believe you until he saw the door open where they both stood. He lay suspended in the air for a moment with the boy who screamed before they both fell in. Into the fortress.

They both roamed and wandered, Isamu defending the pair with ease at the enemies. Until Zenitsu wanted to split off. Isamu was about ready to join him, but remembered you. If there were Kizuki here, as Zenitsu claimed, then you would have absolutely found Kokushibo. He didn't want to miss that.

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