Chapter 41: Resolution

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You returned to your afterlife with your sister, who looked around the empty place and chortled degradingly, "I never thought you'd be one for the peace of a world." She claimed and you clicked your tongue.

"Alright, enough of that, why not tell me what you're plotting?" You wondered and she looked forward into the easily flat terrain. The others seemed to have left. You didn't know why they came in the first place. But a part of it hurt.

"Nothing. I just, simply and truthfully, felt bad for you." She claimed and you raised a brow, she turned to you and picked you up, walking with you as you rested against her shoulder, "the great and confident Revenge, uncaring of what others thought of her and barely acknowledging her own sister, there she stood, crying without an actual reason and berating herself. All it took was 37 years of the millennia you've been alive." She then berated you, cynical as always for someone who should have been so passive, you remembered claiming you were more forgiving than she was to humans.

"Hah~ maybe I should return to my godly duties, instead of crying mortal tears as you said. I simply don't think being a mortal brings any benefits to me or anyone. These mortal emotions I bottled and couldn't identify are such a hindrance." You brushed away and Peace stopped in front of three people. A woman, tall in frame and with hair similar to you, there was more brown in her hair. And a man beside her, taller than her, mid-length black hair tied back and muscular. At their side, a boy around your age, slightly more tan, pink eyes and black hair. You knew who he was instantly. As well as the adults.

"But that was beside the point," Peace sighed and put you down, as you stared at them and they stared back, "the fact you were sad meant you were happy. And, sister, I want you to be happy. As the younger sister you've done a lot for my duties to be easier. And, I suppose now I want to pay you back for doing the dirty work." She sighed as you looked up at her,

"What are you saying?" You asked.

"You knew that your work was just so that people would end up with me. Even this stunt, 37 years of a mortal life you're losing yourself in, you did it so that one more person would be at peace. Your efforts always leave me with a reaped reward as the end result. And though you enjoyed every second of that life, I can't say I was the same. I want you to be happy, and earn something you can truly keep to yourself. So for once, if you take this stupid form, and you're truly happy, I suppose I wouldn't mind sharing this terrible skin." She hummed in ponder and her hand guided you to the family standing and staring at you. "Do you remember how the gods took your family from you?" She wondered as you stepped up to them cautiously.

"Are you even real?" You asked them and reached for their touch. Your father's large hand rested against yours and he began crying, as you blinked away tears yourself. The immortal side of you was screaming in frustration, whereas the true Yuna Mizuchi below seemed to sob in joy at the sight of a family at last. Your mother wiped your tears and your brother wrapped his arms around you,

"I missed you! You were in so much danger all the time!" He exclaimed as you felt him hug you. Peace crossed her arms at the sight.

"Hayato, you know I would have been fine, that was the plan," you rubbed his head and thought of him. He wasn't very memorable and it took your divine knowledge to tap back into the past where his name would have been mentioned. You yourself couldn't remember him.

"But we still worried," your mother chortled as she wiped your tears, "such a steady voice for a little brat who's crying." She teased as you turned to look at your sister.

"We're... so proud of you..." your father rubbed your head and you felt yourself fulfilled. Why did it feel so good to be told someone was proud of you?

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