Chapter 8: Sakonji

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Since then, you were occupied a great deal with your own priorities. You worked more demon leather onto your chair and brushed up on your breathing style - it was difficult but it wasn't as if you couldn't just go out and slay demons when you wanted. You simply didn't like using your breathing style so tactlessly - it felt a waste of your raw effort before that and your breathing style was rather messy, thinking of how demons were shattered in pieces and some collapsed in on themselves simply by the way you angled your sword in their abdomen. It was amazing. You knew yourself that you were an extraordinary fighter - you reached past what was considered humanly possible, refining your skills to a point where a slash could change the biological form of the victim. Who else did you know had that power? No one.

Did that make you lonely? Not really, you couldn't feel lonely if you were the reason for it - by that point, you were just alone. And even then, there were plenty of people ready to observe you, no matter how much they hated you. It was a shame, you liked who you knew, but they wouldn't like you if they knew everything about you. You knew that. Who would want to be associated to a slave owner? Granted slave used lightly, it was more like you had prisoners. You didn't use any of them, only two. Two, who watched as you swung outside of your house. To be honest, the only person who would truly see the effort you put into training would be your neighbour, who could hear you training for days on end before feeling an ache and resting. When their children were younger, you'd perform with your moves for them, simply to entertain them. It wasn't ritualistic, it was good practice for the group of you.

But the way you trained wasn't known to anyone, as you waltzed around. You were rather content with that life, actually. It made you seem better than you actually were when people underestimated you and you proved them wrong. Or when they thought it was natural talent that made you so good. To an extent, it was natural talent that made you so good. After all, it wasn't as if simple resilience and confidence was letting you survive training when you had it. Which, speaking of, you felt you missed out on developing your moves as well as you could. With your trainer being more of a wild card, he died as an order before you could enter final selection. After that, you were on your own and you had no other training left to do. So since then, you have trained yourself. But it had occurred to you that breathing styles evolve quickly, so you should at least go back to the basics when it comes to it.

But there was no one you really knew who was that good at teaching. You supposed Sakonji, though it did occur to you that Sakonji was the kind to find you. He wasn't someone interested in being found very often. Well, that didn't exactly matter for you, since you were Yuna Mizuchi and frankly, that was all you needed. You could do anything. With that motivation, you suited into your uniform from your training uniform, and slipped into your haori. You left without notice for your demons since what were they worth for you? You weren't even sure where to find the man. The best place to go was probably to Giyuu first and foremost. Giyuu and Sakonji still sent letters to each other. So he would know before anyone.

Well, you wanted to make it quick, while your muscles still burned with days of training before your stamina was even hinting at growing depleted.

After a few days, there was the butterfly mansion. Within it, Kagaya was sitting and enjoying the Sun against his face. You landed in front of him and looked around, "where's Giyuu?" You questioned, looking around.

"Oh hello Mizuchi... he's on a mission. I assume you want to meet his trainer?" Kagaya smiled at you, his vision practically gone. You looked at the man pitifully as how quickly his disease had spread.

"As intuitive as always." You hummed, "yes." You brushed off, he nodded.

"Why so?" He asked to keep the conversation going.

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