Chapter 31: Wrapping Up

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"Well I want to say I'm surprised but I really am not." Tamayo confessed and shook her head.

"If you know the enemy and yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles," you claimed and crossed your arms, "if you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer defeat." You claimed, and nodded, Tamayo hummed at the analogy and Isamu blinked.

"What does that mean?" He went ahead and asked since he didn't actually know what was being said.

"You curr." Yushiro hissed and shook his head, "when you're able to understand your enemy - and understand how you can go around it, your victory in any battle with them is inevitable." He explained, Isamu shook his head while you raised a brow and looked at Tamayo.

"Yes, but what about the second bit?" He looked slightly agitated and you chortled before remembering your gloved hand.

"You may know your own capabilities in a battle but if you don't know your enemy then regardless of what you do, you'd have lost." He groaned and Isamu massaged his forehead, clearly not getting his point across.

"I know that! But why? You Neanderthal." He cursed at Yushiro.

"Watch your mouth!" Yushiro snapped.

"Let's both calm down." Tamayo smiled nervously at the pair while you just sat and listened. "The reason why is because you would have needed to learn, and it would be impossible to gain from what you didn't know. I suppose, if you battle someone you know you're physically stronger than, you don't know whether or not they are smarter than you. In that way, they could beat you. And in that way, you lost." She then explained as you nodded. Yushiro huffed with pride and nodded as well at the grace Tamayo had. Only Isamu had a reaction past that, thanking her and turning to you.

"Well what're we doing here Mizuchi?" He suddenly asked you and sat on the bench.

"Well I had business with Tamayo. I'm giving her everything we got from that hut. And anyway, I want to show her something, if you two could leave." You ushered Isamu out and Yushiro left at the approving nod of Tamayo. You looked back at her and took off your glove, showing the mouth. She gasped and took a hold of it, instantly getting some equipment to check the quality. She seemed to love the ability you had and you didn't mind, both of you had a practical mindset about the things you could do.

Only some time later did she realise she had other research to do, and quickly made a mock up report on your hand-mouth for you to see and test things with.

The mouth had no salivary gland, nor an advanced connection to the rest of the body. It didn't even have a tongue. The most it did was change the bone structure of your hand and grow teeth made directly of bone. There were no nerves. It was just a skeletal structure. Essentially, she told you that you did a terrible job with making a mouth. Not that you cared, you did it. Improvement wasn't needed since you didn't want to eat through your hand anyway.

She let you go with Isamu, who was teasing Yushiro until you picked him up by the neck. He looked at you and smiled, staying quiet while Yushiro huffed at his change in demeanour. What a hypocrite that demon was. You couldn't help but laugh internally before you decided to bid him farewell.

Tamayo would send letters on what she finds. That's what she promised you. So you decided it was about time you returned back to the master estate where you could continue watching over the training. Nothing happened between the locations. Until it did, "hey Mizuchi." Isamu suddenly spoke. You hummed and he looked at you, "what happened before we showed the map?" He questioned and you looked forward, remembering what you had been doing. Who you saw. Muzan Kibutsuji - too close for comfort in the master estate and promising you'd become a demon.

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