★Chapter 1

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The loud noises of the airport went around my ears. Hundreds of people were looking for their gate, their luggage or their children somewhere in this chaos.
I stopped thinking when I heard my phone ringing.

>Bro calling<

Hey Carlos, what's up?

Heyy sis! Where are you?

At the airport, as you might hear..

Yeah right. You know I'm already in Monza,
waiting for youuuu.
And I thought you shouldn't get here with a regular airplane.

What do you mean? I'm fine with the way „normal" people go from here to there.

Yeah yeah, very funny. A private jet to
Monza will start in about... 15 minutes.
You just have to get to gate 16 and then outside.

A private jet? Just for me?

You know, I love my little sis. Just
take it, Val.  Get used to the luxury.

Well, seems like I have to accept the offer.
See you in a few hours.
Love you.

Love you too

Call Ends

I stood up and looked for gate 16.
Some staff took my suitcases and brought them outside. I followed him and ended up at place where the planes were parking.
I gazed at the big jet.
The sun was shining all day. It was hot and I really hoped the jet had an air conditioning.

»C'est n'ai pas vrai.« [This can't be true.]
A voice behind me said annoyed. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. I had hoped I would only have to see him at work.

"Mierda" [Shit], I thought to myself

I faced him.
»Hello, Charles.«, I just said, trying to avoid eye contact.
»What are you doing here?«, he asked confused.
»Flying to Monza. My brother said I could take this jet.«
»You? This jet? No, no. This is my flight.«, he made clear and pointed at himself.
We stayed silent for some seconds. Then it seemed to click and we both said
In reunion
»He's trying it again, isn't he?«, I asked without expecting an answer.
»He just can't leave it.«, Charles added.

For a moment, our eyes met. Seconds felt like years.
I broke it off and gestured to the jet.

»I guess we'll endure a flight together. Since we don't have to cuddle at one seat.« I just said and went up the stairs aboard the jet.
It was bigger from the inside than I thought. I took the seat on the right side and put my bag besides me.
As Charles entered, he sat down across me. He ordered a water and placed it on the large table between us.
He wore a beige hoodie and black cargo pants. He hasn't changed much since the last time I really saw him. Of course he was always present at the races but I kept my distance as good as possible.
Carlos always wants us to get closer again since Charles is his best friend but I said more than once that there aren't things to talk about anymore.
I made my peace with it. Too many things happened in the past and both Carlos and Charles knew it.

I could feel his look on me while typing on my phone. It was like he wanted to say something but didn't dare to.
So we kept quiet. It was weird of course but better than on a full airplane with hundreds of passengers.

When the plane started, I grabbed onto my armrest nervously.

»Scared?«, Charles asked sarcastically and looked at me.

»Mind your own business, Leclerc.«, I replied grabbing a book to read out of my bag.

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