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billie and i got into the car and she drove fast to the doctor's office.

when we got there, we were welcomed by a nice receptionist, who low-key was flirting with billie. billie had her arm around my waist, but she couldn't see that. "what is a pretty girl like you doing here? everything okay?" she asked billie.

"well obviously not, or i wouldn't be here" billie snarked. despite the obvious disinterest billie was giving, the receptionist didn't stop. "what's your name?" she asked billie. "billie. billie eilish" billie replied dryly.

"oh, you're the one who called, have a seat. the doctor will call you in shortly. also, you're really hot. can i get your instagram?" the receptionist asked. if i could, i'd let billie fuck me right in front of her, to show her that billie's mine.

so i took matters into my own hands. i kissed billie's cheek and said "no, she's taken". billie and i smiled at each other and had a seat on the couch as we waited for the doctor to call us in.

billie had laid herself on my chest, resting as i fidgeted with her hands. suddenly, a man's voice shouted "billie eilish?" so billie and i got up and went into the room he shouted from.

"so, what brought you in today, ms eilish?" he asked. "well um, i got a really bad hit.. down there.. like yesterday.. and it hurts really bad.." billie explained anxiously, her tics acting up.

"you should go to an ob-gyn then, she'll know more than me, i'm certain" the doctor said. "uhm.. i don't think so.." billie said, and i interrupted "she has a dick, she's intersex". "oh my bad, i didn't realize. let's have a look then, shall we?" he said, laughing awkwardly.

billie stood up, and the doctor brought her behind the curtain. "she can see, i don't mind" billie said, and by the tone of her voice, i could tell she wanted me to be there with her. so i walked behind the curtain as well, as billie dropped her pants.

the doctor examined her scrotum carefully, and then asked "what exactly happened? this doesn't seem like it was just one bad hit.. seems like ten, if not more". "it doesn't really matter. is everything okay though?.. i also had intercourse earlier and uhh there was blood in the condom.." billie said.

"can you turn around and bend over for me?" the doctor said and billie did. "i have to check your prostate. this is gonna be a little uncomfortable" he warned billie. i looked at him lubing his gloved finger, and then slowly pushing it into billie's asshole. billie didn't seem too phased by it, other than the fact she was biting her lip, probably from being so anxious.

when the doctor pulled out his finger, he said "alright, the prostate seems to be doing good, now we have to do an ultrasound on the scrotum". billie straightened her back, and i saw she was hard. like. very hard. i don't think i've ever seen her this hard before. her tip was red, and there was precum pouring out.

her tip wasn't the only red thing though, her cheeks were red too. she sat down on the doctor's bed, and crossed her arms over her crotch, embarrassed.

the doctor noticed billie was embarrassed, so he said "there is no reason to be embarrassed ms eilish, it's just a physical reaction to being touched there. can you uncross your arms so i can do the ultrasound?".

billie blushed even harder, and she uncrossed her arms. she wasn't even looking at me, she just closed her eyes and tried to relax. her eyes shot open when the ultrasound gel hit her balls. "yeah it's cold, i know" the doctor reassured billie.

she closed her eyes again and took a deep breath to relax. the doctor did the ultrasound, and when he finished, he gave billie some wipes to clean herself from the gel. then, he went back to his computer, on the other side of the curtain, and started typing stuff.

billie cleaned herself and put her pants back on and gave me a glare, saying with her eyes "we'll talk about this later".

we opened the curtain and billie broke the silence by asking "so, is everything okay?". "unfortunately, no. it seems that the injury has caused a major problem with your body's ability to produce sperm" the doctor said.

billie panicked. she started to breathe heavily, and her leg was shaking. i put my hand on her thigh and rubbed it, trying to calm her down, while asking the doctor "what does that mean for billie?".

he replied "it means she's infertile".

792 words.

a/n: fixed grammar mistakes.

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