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tw: drugs, alcohol, suicidal thoughts.

at that second, my heart broke. i wanted to have billie's kids, i'm in love with her. but i didn't show my emotions at that second, i wanted to see billie's reaction.

billie burst into tears, and i hugged her. "i'm sorry bil" i tried to comfort her, but it didn't really work. she just kept on sobbing. "thank you doctor" i said and helped billie get up, so we can discuss in private, in her car. as we walked out the office door, billie wiped her tears and looked perfectly fine.

but, the second we got into the car, tears came pouring out of her eyes. "fuck. i wanted to have kids. i love kids" she said, sniffling after every 2 words. "i know baby, i'm sorry" i said and hugged her. "whatever. it's fine. i guess that's what i deserve" she said in a cold tone, and straightened up in her chair, wiping her tears.

"i just wanna go on a drive alone right now, can i drop you at your place or my house and just have some time for myself?" she asked me. "yeah baby, of course. my place is fine" i said and faked a smile.

it was completely silent during the drive to my house. when billie dropped me off, i said "be safe, i love you". she didn't reply, but i knew she was upset right now, and she was trying to not take it out on me, so i just ignored it.

i got into my house and started cleaning up all the mess from the party.

billie's pov:

as i drove away from y/n's house, i remembered i left my backpack in my car. thank god. i drove to a random spot uphill and looked through my backpack. there was everything i needed there. pills, weed, and alcohol.

i started off by smoking a joint, and then i took a pill with a shot. i laid in the backseat, just thinking if life is really worth it.

i popped another pill with a shot, not giving the first one time to work, and quickly i was faded.

suddenly, my phone rang. it showed "my baby" meaning it was my girlfriend. i didn't feel like talking to her at all, so i didn't answer.

my stomach growled from hunger, so i hopped in the driver's seat and started driving towards the nearest McDonald's. the next thing i know, there are screams and sirens all around me.

i open my eyes and see i crashed into a parked car at the McDonald's parking lot. no one got hurt, including me (or at least that's what i thought), so i got out of the car, not realizing that i did get hurt. a woman pointed at me and started screaming.

"bitch! stop pointing, it's rude" i slurred out and passed out on the road.

y/n's pov:

billie is not answering my calls. i get that she's upset, but this isn't even my fault, and it's been like 3 hours since she dropped me off.

i was gonna take a nap, but a second before i closed my eyes, my phone rang. the screen showed "baby bil". i answered the call saying "billie, i've been worried sick. where the fuck are you?".

"ma'am, i'm jane. i'm a paramedic. your girlfriend got in a car accident. we're taking her to the hospital. do you have any idea what she took?" i heard from the other side of the line.

"what..? billie got into a car accident??? is she okay? tell me she's alive. please just tell me she's alive" i started crying. "ma'am, i understand this is hard right now, but in order for us to help her better, we need to know what she took, other than drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana" said jane.

"uh.. she may have taken some xannys or sleeping pills, i don't know" i told jane. "thank you, we're going to the hospital right now. we'll see you there" jane said. "baby..? y/n..?" i heard billie's voice from the phone. i cleared my voice and replied "yes my love?".

"i love you.." she said and then it was quiet. jane took the phone back and said "she woke up to tell you that, now she passed out again".

"if she wakes up again and i'm still not there, please tell her that i'll be there as fast as i can" i told jane and she agreed, then she hung up.

752 words. cliff hanger.

a/n: fixed grammar mistakes.

gym class - billie eilishजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें