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   I was back in my pocket dimension, quickly changing into my suit and pulled my mask and hood on. I teleported into a tree, close to where the explosion was. I looked around and saw that Bug Boy wasn't here yet.

   "Really?" I rolled my eyes.

I jumped and teleported as another explosion happened, it was much closer to where I had been standing. I teleported away and watched as the blue light stayed for a bit after it had been shot.
There were two men, the man who had actually fired the large weapon laughed as he explained where the machine came from. But the other man who seemed to be buying the weapon asked him why he was trying to upsell him. So the guy moved back to his truck looking for something else, listing them off to his potential customer.

"I got black hole grenades, Chitauri railguns.."

Another man was with them, he seemed to just be keeping look out and even told his partner to hurry up.

I glanced around spotting Parker, I teleported once again, getting closer to him, being able to see more of what was actually inside the truck.

"This must be where the ATM robbers got their stuff." He whispers to me.

I nod, unable to rip my eyes from the truck. "I need to get a closer look to get pictures." I whispered.

Just then Parker's phone began to go off, yodeling music or something but it was loud. I glare at him to turn it off quickly."

"Okay, what the hell is that?" They all look around.

"Turn it off!" I whisper-yelled.

"I'm trying!" He replied.

They pull out their guns. "Did you set us up?"

"Hey, hey, man." The buyer holds up his hands and backs away.

Spider-Man jumped down and told them to shoot him instead of the guy. The guy pointed his gun at him but Parker shot a web and took it away. I watched it all unfold as he lunged at one of the men and was punched into the bridge, causing it to crack as he fell.
The man laughed as he got in the truck, the other man already driving away in his car.

"Are you okay?" I asked Peter, not really caring too much as I was more focused on the car trying to get away.

"All right." I sighed and put a force field around the car so it couldn't go but they rammed into it. "Who are you and what are you doing with all these weapons?!"

They drove back and forth ramming the force field. Right, stupid to ask. I groaned and on their final one they broke out, I fell on the ground.


"Go!!" I groaned.

He hooked onto the van with his web and I coughed laying down. So much for a high school party.
I got up and started teleporting following the trash and everything that was caused from the truck dragging Bug Boy through the streets. I watched as he started running and destroying things as he did so. Eventually letting go as the last door fell off.

"Great!" He yelled.

"Wow, you are really bad at this!" I said while shaking my head. "Hurry up and try not to make a mess."

𝐈𝐕𝐘 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐃 || 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now