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   I couldn't fall asleep like most other nights so I turned on the tv and started flipping through the channels until I stopped on the news and saw what had happened, my eyes darting to the ambulance.

In the morning I woke up and got dressed, when I was ready I went downstairs.

   "Morning, sunshine!" Quinn called. "I haven't started breakfast yet. So, any particular requests?"

   "Morning, cereal is okay." I tell her and she winks, placing the bowl of honey nut cheerios in front of me.

Tony and Pepper had both agreed that cereal wasn't a real meal so I could only have it once a week, I didn't mind because it felt more special on that day.
I thanked her and started eating while she worked on breakfast for Pepper. It wasn't long before Pepper came down putting in earrings.

"Morning Quinn."

"Morning, Ms. Potts."

"Morning Pepper." I say.

   "Morning." She says and looks at me. "Why do you wake up early when you don't have classes but refuse to get up like this when you do?"

   "To spite everyone." I chuckled and shrugged as I thought about last night. "Hey, is Happy going to be okay?"

   Happy and I met when Tony and Pepper brought me to Malibu, he thought they brought home some random kid that they adopted me and were going to start adopting kids from all around the world. He wasn't too disappointed when Pepper explained the actual situation.
I talked to him whenever I could and he seemed fine until he got protective, he was very serious about his job. Tony hired him as my bodyguard when Quinn and I went out. Any time I had gone to the company with Pepper I would stay close to them and he would tell people I was his niece which they didn't question.
It was safe to say I trusted him almost as much as I trusted Quinn.

   "Yes. Why?" Pepper answered. "How do you even know about that?"

   I look at her as I take a drink of my orange juice. "I had a hard time sleeping last night and I saw a news report about a bombing in the Chinese Theater Center and then I saw Happy in the background getting put into an ambulance." I explained and shrugged, picking up a spoonful of cereal. "I also heard Tony tell you he was leaving for the hospital. He's loud. Are you sure he's okay?"

   I acted normal and calm, like I was just curious but I really was worried for him. I knew since it was a bombing, it couldn't have been good.

   "He's pretty bad." She tells me. "But don't worry, he'll recover soon enough."


   She turned on the TV and it was already on the main news channel that she and Tony usually watch. Tony was surrounded by the media as soon as he walked out of the hospital but he was being quiet as he walked to his car. They all asked questions over each other.

   "Hey, Mr. Stark." A reporter caught him. "When is somebody gonna kill this guy?"
This caught his attention and everyone shut up to listen. "I'm just saying."

   Tony looks at him. "Is that what you want?" He asked. "Here's a little holiday greeting I've been wanting to send to the Mandarin. I just didn't know how to phrase it until now.
   My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you. I know you're a coward so I've decided," He takes off his sunglasses. "that you just died pal. I'm gonna come get the body.
   There's no politics here. It's just good old-fashioned revenge. There is no Pentagon, it's just me and you and on the off chance you're a man, here's my home address. 10880 Malibu Point. 90265. I'll leave the door unlocked." He took the recorder and threw it at the wall before getting in his car and driving away.

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