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I ran down a hall, shield over me, releasing the toxic pollen. Some guards tried to fight me and I quickly knocked them out, it was pretty easy but I did get hit a couple of times.
I placed seed bombs down as well making my way to the top since I wanted this entire building to come down. I made it to one of the top floors, it appeared to be some kind of ballroom, fancy flooring and walls, dim orange lights lit it. At the center stood Lyn, she looked tired but not nearly as bad as when she was on the statue.

   "Do we really have to fight?" I ask.

   "Who do you want to kill more?" She asked back, tilting her head.

   "I don't want to kill anyone." I admit, because it was the truth, at the moment.

   She laughed. "Really? I find that hard to believe."

   I tried to hit her but she blocked it with stone and shot lightning at me which I dodged by teleporting away but when I landed she was invisible.

   "I mean, I helped kill Quinn." Her voice came from the speakers. "She was really easy to kill and honestly I knew she would be."

   My blood boiled as I shot thorns in every direction, she blocked them and smirked shooting fire at me but I teleport behind her and wrapped a vined around her neck slamming her into one of the walls.

   Her body fell but she smiled and coughed. "I'm getting under your skin, aren't I? Little Ivy?" She stood up and multiplied. "Oh wait, that's what dad calls you, sorry."
   She shifted into him and her copies did the same. "Elliot, Elliot Deem, I bet you dispise him."

   I killed all of them almost instantly with vines squeezing them or thorns piercing through them.

   "You do. You have every right too. I mean, look what he's done to you personally." She teleported and hit me with a ray of electricity.

   I screamed in pain as it coursed through my body, I knew she was doing it enough to immobilize me but not enough to actually kill me.

   "Taking you from your home. Locking you up all alone. Poking your body like some kind of mutant." She stops and I fall almost losing consciousness. "Well, you are a mutant... more a freak than any of us were."

   I struggled to push myself up but I managed and shot her back with a blast of energy. She tried to block it but I quickly teleported and hit her, sending her into the shield.
   I thought that would get her to stop talking but she shifted into a tiger and pounced at me. I caught her in a vine and threw her, she shifted into a hawk and teleported attacking me. I teleported and swung a bat at her which hit.

   "He took your childhood away! Made you into a monster and a weapon!" She yelled now angry as she shot stones rapidly teleporting hitting me multiple times.
   I was on the floor and she stood over me.

   "Are you talking about me or yourself?" I ask weakly as I tried to get up. "You said it yourself.. everyone knows it, even I know it. He loved me like the daughter he wished he had."

   Her face quickly shifted from being upset to being absolutely furious. She yanked me up by my hair and held me.

   "Ooo that made you angry." I smirked.

   "You stole him! He wanted a golden child!" She threw me at a wall and quickly teleported to pin me there. "Do you know why you could take so much? Why the others died?"

   I tried to punch her but she punched me and slammed me into the wall, a pain taking over my head.

   "Because of your genes. Your stupid chlorokinesis, your body absorbed the chemicals like a root soaking up water." She let out a laugh, almost manic, her eyes glowing white, weakening my powers. "I can absorb any power but it was limited! I was limited! I wasn't perfect!"
    She threw me again, slamming me down. I pushed myself onto my hands and knees as I pulled my mask down to spit out the blood that was filling my mouth.
   "Little Ivy was perfect." She smiled at me. "You are, don't get me wrong. But I'm better! Killing you will just prove it—"

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