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I teleported out and to the Quinjet, opening a portal for the others as they ran together, meeting up but then I felt as if my body was burning from the inside.

   "IVAA?" I asked in clear pain.

   'The Vision is shooting his laser beams, Amelia. Let go now or your body will overheat and permanent and critical damage will be conflicted.'

   I do and sigh with relief, teleporting to the others, holding my stomach as my vision went white and I stumbled, Clint catching me.

   "Hey, hey, hey." He whispered.

  'Vitals are quickly declining, but your powers are surprisingly still high.'

   I pat Clint and saw the others look at me. "No, I'm okay. Just *huff* IVAA, activate cool down."

   'Cool down Activated.'

   My mask opens and I turn away coughing up blood.

   "Kiddo, you okay?" Dad asks as he flies in with Nat, still keeping their distance.

   "Uh huh. Peachy." I nod wiping it away, placing the mask back on. I get back up.

   "I apologize, Miss. Stark." Vision says.

   "Nope, don't worry." I tell him, looking at him and whispering the next part. "I only feel like I'm dying. IVAA, injury report."

   'Not fatal, but I suggest you go to the hospital immediately."

   I chuckle. "Oh..." I stand up.

"I know you believe what you're doing is right." Vision says. "But for the collective good, you must surrender now."

Rhodey flew in with T'Challa and they both landed, Parker swung himself in. Now we were all standing in front of each other.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asks, not ripping his eyes off the others

Steve looked at me, I looked at him, nodding to show him I was fine and that I would fight for his side.

   "We fight."

   Both sides started to walk to each other, I glanced at them and we started jogging. The others do too and then we start running and it turns into a big fight. I tried teleporting but I fell and barely caught myself. I used vines to throw people away which was working but that didn't stop me from hearing dad and Cap arguing about whose fault it was that I was hurt. Tony was saying it was all Cap's fault for even getting me involved but Cap told him it was actually Vision's fault for shooting me. Dad said that wasn't true because he still refused to believe something that he built could do such a thing.
   I ignored them and grabbed Black Panther's wrist before he could kill Bucky with his sharp claws. I used my energy blast to blast him away, sending him flying through the boarding tunnels.

"Sorry, your Majesty!" I called, sounding very sincere.

Bucky sighed but glared at me.

   "A thank you would be nice." I told him but he didn't say anything. "How about a smile."

   This makes him roll his eyes which was a better reaction. He runs and I follow him, we meet up with Cap.

   "We gotta go." Bucky tells him. "That guy's probably in Siberia by now."

  "We gotta draw out the flyers." I say looking up.

   "I'll take Vision." Cap says. "You two get to the jet."

   "No, you get on the jet! Both of you." Falcon says. "The rest of us aren't getting out of this."

  "I hate to admit it but, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it." Clint says. "Still holding up, Kid?"

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