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   "IVAA, did you map out this part of the airport?" I asked as I walked through the building.

   'I did.'

   "Great, show me a map." She did and I opened multiple portals and sent out many illusions of speakers and placing numbers that lead to parking. "Bitte gehen Sie zu dem Portal, das zu Ihrem Parkplatz führt. Wenn Sie hier kein Auto haben, habe ich Portale geöffnet, die Sie in Sicherheit bringen werden."
   I teleported to the security rooms. "Hey, Void, Ivy Void." I present myself. "Ich helfe, die Bürger hier rauszuholen, hat Iron Man dir gesagt, nicht er?"
   They shake their heads and look at each other. "Nein, er tut nie, was ich ihm sage. Aber du solltest auch gehen. Bitte schön, vielen Dank für Ihre Mitarbeit." I opened a portal and a few guys went in. "Keine Sorge, ich werde dafür sorgen, dass alle sicher und draußen sind." That had convinced the rest of them.

   Eventually the airport was dead silent. I made sure and put an illusion of myself so I could pull my mask down, eat and drink to restore my energy.

   "IVAA, double check." I say.

   'This side of the building is all clear.' IVAA says. 'Would you like to know your vital strength?'



   "Oh that's not good." I said and kept eating. "Let's get back to Steve."

   I had gone back to the team and we discussed the plan with different back ups, partnering up and heading to our spots. I was paired with Ant Man, but it was only going to be for the first part of the plan.
I opened a portal for us and we stepped through, getting into our position, hiding behind a truck. I put a force field over us and an illusion over that.

  "Wow this is so cool." Lang reached out. I grabbed his arm with a vine.

   "Don't touch." I say and free him. "Be quiet."

   "Got it boss." He nods.

   We watched as Cap ran out heading to the chopper but stopped when Iron Man and War Machine shot it with an electro-distablizer, which meant it was a no-go but we had kept that in mind.
   They both came down.

   "Wow it is so weird how you run into people at the airport." Iron Man says, taking off his mask. "Don't you think it's weird?"

   "Definitely weird." Rhodey replied.

   "Hear me out, Tony." Cap spoke. "That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this."

   In came Black Panther who, Nat told me, was King T'Challa of Wakanda. "Captain."

   "Your highness."

   "Anyway," Dad spoke. "Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in, that was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

   "You're after the wrong guy." Steve told him.

   "Your judgment is askew." Dad said. "Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday."

   "And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't."

   I glance over as Black Widow walks over.

   "Steve," He turns to Nat. "you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"

   The two looked at each other for a moment, a part of me looked up to the way that Steve always followed his heart and fought for that but here I was, hoping that he would back out now.

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