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After landing we got into the car, for most of the drive to the house I had earbuds in so I wouldn't have to talk to Tony, still a little pissed at his decision that wasn't going to change no matter how many times I asked him or tried to convince him out of it.
I glanced up from my book and out the window. I saw the buildings and even looked around until I was sure where we were.

"No way." I scoffed. "Not the rich Californian boy, moving to New York. You know the winters are killer here."

"I know, I've been living here for a year now and I also grew up here." I look at him. "When you talked about your childhood and how you wanted snow for Christmas I decided—"

"Hey this is the Avenger's Tower." I looked up as we were pulling into the underground garage. "Wait? Does Pepper still run Stark Industries in California?"


I smiled. "Where do you really live?" I asked.

"One minute, we'll talk after you're settled." He took my bag. "Come on."

When Tony first sent me away, I didn't have to say goodbye to the others. In fact I actually saw them more than I saw Tony over the last few years.

I didn't even know he was living here for most of the time, though to be fair I did only come in for an hour every month to train, still I was surprised.

After S.H.I.E.L.D. had been shut down due to everything with the Winter Soldier and Hydra agents, I was only able to train with the Avengers because Nat and Steve took me under their wings. I knew the place really well because I would teleport here but only stayed in the building.
This was the place I called 'home' but I was still confused as to if Tony really lived here after the Malibu Mansion was destroyed during Christmas.

"We had Christmas here for two years and you didn't tell me you always lived here?" I asked.

He looked at me. "You're smart and you didn't know?" He asked and smiled.

I rolled my eyes and followed him to our living quarters. It wasn't huge but it was nice for us living in the Tower, a small apartment that was still two floors tall and the labs were just below is. Hopefully nothing blows up.
   I wondered if Tony was really okay living here, I mean just above us was where the wormhole had opened almost three years ago. The one he went through and died in to save the world from aliens.

   "Your room is upstairs." He walked me upstairs to a door. "Right here. Unpack and come look for me when you're settled, I have to tell Pepper to cancel your registration."

   I wanted to talk to him a bit longer but he had already left so I was left alone to unpack the little stuff I did have.

I walked into my room, it wasn't the biggest or the roundest like it was in Malibu, far from it. As I began to set up, I had to admit, I liked it better since it was about the size of my dorm rooms but without half of it having to be shared with a roommate.
   I had one big window facing the sun which was great for all the plants I had and was going to have to decorate the room with. I also had a bunch of wall decorations to hang up, I had a few shelves and stuffed animals thrown on my bed. These were from before and when I was traveling from one boarding school to the next.
    The room was bright and sunny, just how I liked it and I had a tv hanging on the wall in front of my bed. My door also faced my bed and a desk sat on the side, next to a shelf full of books and things. I never thought I was materialistic but as I looked around, I realized I was, very.

I looked over and saw the clean blank wall, pulling out my pictures and getting ready to hang them up to add the final touches. Now, I'm not being too hopeful but I just wanted to put a little trust in Tony. Don't blow this.

I had showered and had lunch before unpacking the clothes I did have. Tony had left and told me to come down at 1:30.
I teleported down to the living room and checked my watch to see I had made it right on the dot and in the exact location I had wanted. Usually I would land an inch or two away from the spot I wanted but I was getting better as I had been using my teleportation much more. I smirk at the new found accomplishment.

Tony and I talked for a bit, discussing the new 'rules' while he also told me about the Avengers tower, specifically which places I could and couldn't got too. The places I couldn't got too being the entire lower half of the building and the lab, which I tried arguing but he didn't listen.
We discussed other things too, like Pepper and Quinn, and training. But also starting high school soon.

   I had been back for a week, though Tony spent most of his time in the lab working with Banner. In all honesty we rarely saw each other, mainly just at breakfast because we woke up around the same time.
I was spending most of my time training, today I was training with Natasha and she asked if I wanted to go against her, this was the first time I had gone against one of them since most of my own training was to focus on my powers.

We kept breaking out from each others grips, until we were finally tired and decided to call it a day.
I sat down and drank from my bottle, the ice cold water running down my throat. I pull away to catch my breath, finding it hard to breathe.

"Have you seen much of your dad?" Nat asked me, knowing full well we are rarely ever seen together.

"Nope, he's always busy." I told her. "But that's Tony. I didn't really expect much from him being who he is. I've grown used to it by now."

Nat looked at me, getting the hint that I didn't want to talk about him at the moment. "Well, I have to say, you're pretty good. How have you been training? You only came in once a month."

"School. Fury hired people to train me just in case anything were to happen. I also space jumped and fought aliens." I tell her and get up. "This summer blows."

"I'm sure when we're done with these missions he'll be more open and spend more time with you."

"Sure he will." I smiled to show her I was fine and didn't care. "All right, thanks for the lesson. I'll see you tomorrow?"

   "Yeah. Good job, Dollface." She holds out her fist and I chuckled before fist bumping her.

I thanked her again and walked out of the training room. I thought about why she wanted to bring up Tony, Nat isn't the fondest of him and if anyone were to ask her what she thought of him, she'd tell them how she really felt about him.
I was lucky he was even in my life, he was my family and this was my home. The Avenger's Tower was more my home than living six months in the Malibu mansion.
The only reason it was different was because Tony was here, which was supposed to be a good thing. It should have been normal.
Why didn't it feel normal?

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