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(December 2015)

   I ran down the halls, my feet burned with pain and tears ran down my face, my ears were ringing but I could hear the heavy thumping as they were chasing me.
I didn't look back, I couldn't.

   "Ivy, stop running." It sounded distant but I knew it came from the speakers.

   I stopped when I spotted the two guards in front of me, I turned hoping that I could run away but then saw four other guards coming from that direction, blocking off any chance I had of running.
   I knew not to beg, that never worked. Out of pure panic and shock I shot a blast of energy at the two in front of me, though it cracked up the surfaces in front of me and caused my to jerk back. I was still trying to gain control.

   But I heard the sickening pop and ran past the two bodies as they fell to the ground.

   "Don't make me do this."

   I had been running for what seemed like hours, my body growing tired but I knew I couldn't stop.
   Though, with that one warning I slammed my eyes shut as I was hit multiple times by little needles. I stopped and turned around, screaming in pain as the vines grew out of the palms of my hands but my body quickly gave into the sedation, slowly crumbling to the floor.

   My body quickly went from burning to freezing in the matter of seconds. My vision blurred entirely so I was only to see blurs of colors.
   I looked up at the men surrounding me, the one in the middle picked me up and held me close.

   "You made it quite far today, Amelia." He tells me and smiles. "Ten bodies isn't your best work, though you took some out at the same time. I can certainly say that is a step up."

   "Stop... please... stop." I try to beg, fighting off the sedation. "You.. last.."

   "This will be the last one." He set me on the bed, strapping my arms and legs down. "The greatest one you could ever have to this day."

   "It... hurts." I whine.

   "Yes, I understand but greatness cannot be achieved without a bit of pain, now can it?" He asks and placed his hand on my head. "Understand my child, this is much more painful for me than it is for you."

   He left the room and I tried to fight off the sedation, crying and struggling against the restraints, begging him not to hurt me but soon I felt the fire in my blood, my skin burning, and the sedation was no longer the problem. My screams filled the room as my veins filled with a purple liquid that lit up and began to show all across my body.
   My eyes also began to glow purple as I tried to use my powers to get out but the needles were too much, to deep and getting in deeper.

   "Please stop!" I cried in pain. "Please!!"

  • • • ••End of Flashback• • • • •

   I groaned as pain shot throughout my back before making it's way through my entire body. I slammed my eyes shut and inhales deeply to refill my lungs of air. I laid there on my back, officially having given up for the day, aimlessly burning my eyes by staring at the light above out ring.
Nat began to lecture me about what I did wrong. She was the one who told me I needed better combat practice and I agreed because it had been a while since I trained physically without my powers.

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