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   We follow Tony and Bruce into their lab, checking on everything to see what Ultron had been through.
Well, they checked on everything, I sat on one of the tables opening my portal to get a rag and clean off my cuts, Tony continued to ask if I was okay, I chose to not answer him because I was still mad at him.

   "Still, okay?" He asked as he came over to me. He took the bandage I had and placed it on my arm where the cut had been.

"Honestly?" He looks at me and I give him a tight smile. "I'm fine."

"Something you can walk off?" He asks and I nod as he ruffled my hair before walking away.

   "All our work is gone." Banner says. "Ultron cleared out. He used the internet as an escape hatch."


   "He's been in everything." Nat said. "Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about each other."

   "He's in your files, he's in the internet." Rhodey said, holding his arm. "What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?"

   "Nuclear codes." Hill points out, she was pulling glass from the bottom of her feet.

   "Look, we need to make some calls." Rhodey says. "Assuming we still can."

   "Nukes? He wants us dead." Nat points out.

   "He didn't say dead, he said extinct." Steve said.

   "He also said he killed somebody." Clint says.

"There wasn't anyone else in the building." Hill adds.

   "Jarvis." I repeated from my previous assumption.

   "Yep." Tony walked over and showed us the orange broken thing that used to be Jarvis.

"What?" Banner asked, shocked. "This is insane."

   "Jarvis was the first line in defense, he would have shut Ultron down. It makes sense."

   "No. Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis." Banner says. "This isn't strategy. This is... rage."

   Thor walked in grabbing Tony by the neck easily lifting him off of the ground.

   "Whoa, Whoa, whoa!" Steve spoke.

   "It's going around." Clint said.

   "Thor, put him down." I watched and teleported over. "Come on!! He's all I have left!"

   "Use your words, buddy." Tony spoke, more like managed to say.

   "I have more than enough words to describe you, Stark." Thor said.

   "Thor! Please!" I glare at Tony and looked at the others who weren't so quick to help, I was mad at Stark too.
    I turned to Steve who looked at me. "Steve, do something."

   "Thor, The Legionnaire." Steve says and he lets go of Stark.

   I sigh and back away from Thor and Tony, I would have checked on him if he wasn't obviously okay, but my own heart was racing and I could feel the hint of panic that had almost taken over my body.
Thor looked at me but I looked down at my shoes, a heavy sigh passed my lips, silently thanking Steve for the most obvious way to stop Thor.

   "The trail went cold about 100 miles out, but it's headed north." Thor explained, he looked at me then Steve. "And it has the scepter. Now we have to retrieve it, again."

   "The genie's out of that bottle." Nat said. "Clear and present as Ultron."

   "I don't understand." We all looked at Dr. Cho. "You built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?"

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