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   Steve and I stayed silent for a few minutes, just enjoying the clean air around us. Clint soon came out and asked if we would be willing to chop up some wood, of course Steve agreed and so did I, just to get my mind off everything that's happened so far.
   Steve hesitated to give me the axe but I took it, allowing him to teach me how to use it. He didn't want me getting hurt and I understood that, so I listened to his lesson and watched.

   "I got this." I placed a piece of wood on the stump. "I've played extreme wack-a-mole before."

   I heard him chuckle before I took a swing at the log. It was satisfying as hell to hit, I didn't even realize the smile that had grown over my face until he pointed it out.
   We started chopping and of course he was already leading ahead with his large pile.

   "All right, you've eaten yet?" We looked back as Tony walked over.

   "Yeah." I pull the bag of trail mix out of my pocket just to show him.

   "No. I mean real food."

   "Real food?" I looked at the trail mix package. "It is real food."

   "He means a meal." Steve hit a log and I smiled.

   "Right.." I look at Tony. "Later, I promise."

   He didn't argue but did ask for the axe and started chopping wood up as Steve updated us on the Thor situation. The demi-god was still mad about what Tony had done and I didn't blame him.

   "Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?" Tony asked.

   "Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things." Steve looked at me then up at Clint who was fixing the railing with his son and daughter. "I was kinda hoping Thor would be the exception."

   "Yeah, give him time." Tony says. "We don't know what the Maximoff kid showed him."

   I looked at them. "Earth's Mightiest heroes." I say.

   "Pulled us apart like cotton candy." Steve adds.

   "Seems like you walked away all right." Tony points out. I looked at the blond agreeing that he didn't look as shooken up as the others.

   "Is that a problem?"

   "I don't trust a guy without a dark side." Tony hit the log he had. "Call me old-fashioned."

   "Well, let's just say you haven't seen it yet."

   "It's working." I sang and they both looked at me as I stood from the stump I was sitting on. "Ultron is trying to tear the Avenger's apart. Isn't that right, Tony?"

   "Well, I guess he'd know." Steve says. "Whether you'd tell us is a bit of a question."

   "Banner and I were doing research-"

   "That would affect the team-"

   "That would end the team!" Tony told him. "Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the 'why' we fight? So we can end the fight. So we get to go home!"

   Steve ripped apart a log with his bare hands. "Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. Every time."

   Laura came over and asked Tony if he could take a look at their tractor that wasn't working, Clint had told her that he was smart enough to fix it. Tony quickly agreed.

   "Don't take from my pile." He warned Steve while pointing to his sad little pile compared to the super-human's.

  "Hey, I was thinking of staying in the Quinjet, in my pocket dimension." I teleported in front of him, walking backwards.

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