I suddenly felt a tug on my tail snapping me out of my thoughts. My tail is still a bit bruised when omoikane pulled on it when I was talking to my ex-friends at RAW.


Omoikane:Hey, um, big brother. Can I borrow your phone? 

I turn to him and asked him with a questioning face.

Omoikane: I want to use my hacking skills. Just in case they might have to look through your phone for evidence and...y'know they might see your contacts, messages, and pictures that relates to you know our connection with Master and the others.

Shinoshi:good point. Here *hands phone*

He knows the password because I gave it to him just in case for any emergency or he wants to play any games.

He uses my iPad more than my phone but I still give him the password just in case.

Omoikane:here ya go *give it back*

    That was quick.

Omoikane:How are you feeling about the trail?

Shinoshi: I'm nervous about how they are going to feel once I told them the whole reason why I tried to murder them. Plus seeing the others reaction to everything that's going to happened inside. There definitely going to the trial.

Omoikane:How do you think, Eraserhead is going to feel?

Shinoshi:I feel like I should be worried about. Father said I should be worried about him the most. I don't know how he's going to react, but all I know he is not going to be happy.

*Knock* *knock*

Shinoshi:Come in!

The door opens and it appears to be the butler standing there with a sad face.

Butler: It's time for you to head out. Your father is in the garage waiting for you.

I got this!

Shinoshi:*breathes in and out* Thank you for informing me.

I head to the garage along with Omoikane by my side helping me with my balance.

I should be used to wearing these stuff all over me. Sadly, I have more than usual. Therefore making my balance worsen.

I can't wear shoes anymore since my feet braces basically acts like shoes.

We got into the car. Omoikane and I in the back while father is in the front passenger seat. Our chaffer is sitting in the driver's seat.


The whole car drive was a quite.  No music. No talking. No sounds. Just the sounds of our breathing.

I can feel father's anger through his nostrils. I can feel the unsettling from omoikane and the chaffer.

Me, I was feeling soo nervous. Thoughts running around and through my mind about this whole situation that's going to happen outside and inside trial.

As we got closer to the court room, we see the new's crew outside along with some people that I recognized that are being questioned or trying to get through to head inside.

It was no lie that I saw Unclezawa there along with Yasha besides him. I can almost see there's a hidden smirk on his face.

After parking in the lot and getting out. Father roughly grab onto my hand out of nowhere and making me stumble trying to fix my balance.

Him holding my hand was in a tight hold. Not a normal hold. A tight hold. I can see that he's trying to keep himself to stay calm.

Omoikane walked behind us as we walked towards the front. As we walked on the stairs. The press immediately turned to us and head in our direction. Cameras and mics were close to me soo much. And that annoying news lady keeps shoving her mic close to me and all cameras at me. Some on the others while some are mostly at me.

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