"Don't ride your motorcycle for the next four days, and avoid blue cars." He looked pretty spooked out.

"I can only see your death if it's in the next three or four days max. Same with people who have already died." It was still kind of creepy. 

"So when did you find out you had this erm, gift?" Was it really a gift? Seemed like a curse to me. 

"When I was about eight.  I'm surprised, everyone seems to know that. I mean, not to have a big head, but it seems like the whole world knows my story." The newspaper man went up to Maria's house, but I waved him over. He handed me the paper, then walked off. 

"Get this, they're calling me the biggest hero from the last two centuries. Bit much don't you think?" I handed the paper to Matthew, laughing. Our hands touched and a vision of a fire passed through my mind. Wait, what? There was no date, no numbers, that was it. 

"Matthew I just saw your death, but it was different. There was a fire, that was it. Just, be careful." He nodded nervously, licking his lips.

"Hey Jill, do you want to have dinner with me, tonight?" He asked quietly, and I nodded. Checking my watch, I gasped at the time. 

"Oh god, I have to go. Here's my number, just call me later." I threw him a business card, and jumped into my car. I was going to be late for my meet up with my father. 

20 minutes later

"Jillian! Sunflower, how are you doing!" My greying dad gave me a tight hug before letting go. We sat down at the counter, and looked at the menu.

"i'm okay, but I just got out of the hospital. There was an accident at my apartment." My dad waved it off. Typical Jack.

"Well you're fine that's great. Jill-bill, I was wondering, you know how much I love you and tried to give you-"I cut him off, handing him five hundred dollars.

"Anything else dad? A car maybe, when are you going to clean up your act?" I snapped at him, trying not to raise my voice. 

"You left me growing up, and suddenly when I'm all famous you come back? I'm not your sunflower, I'm not your piccolina, you're nothing to me. Now eat your damn ice cream, and-" I cut myself off as the vision of a bath filled to the top, and numbers flashed in front of my eyes.

I saw my dad's death, but should I tell him? I bit my lip while he looked at me strangely. Death was everywhere, and I couldn't stop it. 

"Don't bother me again, okay father." I finished, with a sigh. The bastard deserved to die anyways. 

"Jillian Anne Clearwater, you do not talk to me like that, I am your father." That's when I snapped. 

"FATHER MY ASS! You were never there for me, once we had money you were knocking on our door! We were almost on the bloody street you cazzo di mierda! You left us to die, you bastardo!" I was full out screaming now. Everyone was looking at us, but I didn't care.

"I HAD TO LEAVE, YOU ZOCCOLA! I HAD NO CHOICE!" He screamed in my face. 

"EVERYONE HAS A CHOICE YOU PORCA MISERIA!" He slapped me across the face, and I jumped with the surprise. There was a loud gasp that went around the room, then my dad was grabbed by some men who stood up from their seats. They hauled him out of the store, while he was screaming insults. 

"Thanks." I said, once they came back. They all smiled and went back to their tables, except one. 

"Call me, maybe we can get lunch." Well nothing like the direct approach. He gave me his card, and I smiled at the blond man dressed in plaid. He looked my age, maybe a little younger. What the hell, might as well.  

"Maybe tesoro, maybe." I smiled and looked at his card. "Bye, Jacob." I read the name off the card.

Grabbing my purse, I walked out of the store, and turned left. 

Straight into the angry brown eyes that matched my own. Daddy dearest looked ready to kill.

"You lay one finger on me, you go to jail for the rest of your life. I'm a public figure, I've won awards, solved countless cases.  So I suggest you keep moving papa, before I call the police. Or worse, Maria." I made a shooing motion with my hand. 

"You embarrassed me back there Jill, but I'm prepared to accept your apology." Wait what! 

"I know you're upset, and stressed out, so I accept your expression of regret, and we shall part ways as friends." Was he serious? I giggled.

"Have you gone a little pazzo, papa? Are you feeling okay, is the weather getting to you? In what world would I ever apologize to you?" I started to walk away, laughing until I was spun around.

"Jillian, I thought I taught you to respect your elders." I rolled my eyes.

"You weren't there to teach me that you ignorant little sh-" I fell backwards as images flew threw my mind. It was like deja vu as the headache came back, and I landed on my back. Images of my mother, Maria, Amy and my dad raced through, along with the distorted words. 

OnE MInuTe To mIDnIGHt

I screamed in fright as the images changed, to myself being strapped in a chair. It was blurry, but I could make out Martin's face as he grinned. Another blurry figure was beside him, but I couldn't see a face.

"Jill! Jill snap out of it!" Everything started to shake, like an earthquake. The vision faded away as I looked into my dad's brown eyes, actually filled with worry. He helped me up as I sat against the wall, panting. 

I had just seen my own death. 

A.N. I'm going on Vacation on Friday, I won't have wifi until the 26th. However, I will be writing, so a chapter will be posted as soon as I get back.

Any questions about the Italian words? Ask away, but most are just insults. Tesoro, means sweetie. Piccolina means little girl.

The rest are cusses, I think.

Have a great spring break, and be safe! 

One Minute To Midnight- Not going to be finishedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя