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(A/N: This story is a request from a new friend of mine @ObsessivePsychopath everyone please give them a follow! And welcome to my Wattpad pack to all my newcomers! Also I do warn you, some updates may take longer than others since I am writing/ preparing for exams. Otherwise enjoy the story and get lost in this reality a bit- cuz our reality is boring;) 

After a long summer vacation, the young, brunette haired Stilinski sister decided to come back home a bit early. Why? Most should wonder, was simple. She had a received a text from an anonymous texter saying: "I'm back in Beacon Twinkletoes, where r u?" 

Of course with the nickname it was quite easy to deduce who was texting her. With her large black bulldog and her bike she made her way back to Beacon Hills, her home town. Not a single idea what was in store for her once she passed the simple sign welcoming her back to the place. 

She knew the road to her house by heart, so her speed picked up, until her father and multiple other police sped past her. 

She pulled in their driveway a second later only to see her brother hurryingly preparing himself to leave. 

"And were are you going?" she asked, climbing off of her bike with the lead on her dog. 

Jumping a meter high, he yelped then turned to her. His eyes grew wide as he saw her, the next second she was engulfed in a tight hug. 

(Alex pov) 

 Stiles quickly let go and I raised my eyebrows. "So, are you going to tell me or not?"

Stiles scratched the back of his head and answered: "I was listening on dad's call and there's a half of a body in the woods. I'm heading to Scott's to get him to check it out." 

I rolled my eyes: "I'm going to put my stuff in my room, I'll catch up soon." He smiled and ran to the jeep. 

Once he was gone. I pulled the bag of weapons and fake ID's out of my holder in the bike. 

I didn't bother to change as I put a gun onto my black belt and two knives in my boots. Rather be prepared than be dead. Unbuckling the lead from Lucifer, I bent down and said: "You stay here, I'll be back soon. Make sure no one finds the bag under my floorboards." To which he nodded and went to lie in front of the door. 

I ran to Scott's place as quickly as possible, catching the amusing sight of my twin upside down and Scott almost hitting him with a bat. I started laughing once Stiles explained the situation too Scott. 

Scott then looked up and smiled brightly. "Oh My God, Alex?" he gasped. I smirked. 

"Scotty, how-" "Get in the Jeep. We can talk on the way there!" Stiles interrupted making us laugh. 


Once we arrived at the preserve, a few bad memories surfaced on the place. The Hale fire... 

Stiles practically ran ahead with the flashlight whilst I tried to keep Scott from dying. I even offered the back-up inhaler I kept with me for him but he remembered his one so it was okay. 

"Maybe you should let the severe asthmatic hold the flashlight?" Scott said, stopping to take another puff of his inhaler. 

All of a sudden, Stiles noticed some lights and started running. Leaving Scott and Myself in the dark of the forest alone. But we tried to catch up only for Stiles to be caught by dad and the other police. 

Scott and I both ducked, hiding behind a very obvious tree, and somehow it was too obvious for dad to notice that we were there. 

"Are we going back now?" I asked and Scott shook his head. 

We walked together, making our way along some trees, that was until both of us stopped. Scott shook his inhaler to take a puff but before he could a large mass of deer came running at us. Scott and I both fell, using our arms to protect ourselves. 

Sadly he lost his inhaler in the process so now both of us had too look for it. We were looking with the light of our phones, still staying close just for incase. Circling back to look together our lights met with a unsettling sight. I gasped, my eyes tearing up, only to be knocked down the hill by Scott. My back hurt a little and I thought I had knocked my wind out on the way down. 

We quickly stood up, ready to move on when we heard a growl. It came from behind us. Slowly turning around, a pair of red eyes and a monstrous black wolf form looked at us. It moved to attack Scott, I jumped in only a second too late as it bit him. 

Pulling out a blade and my gun. Slicing the apparent beast I turned to Scott and yelled: "Are you fucking crazy? RUN!?!" 

"But-" "I'll be fine, I got this," I pulled out the gun, waving it in the air, once I shut him up. Scott ran to a nearby exit and I shot at the thing, it hissed and jumped against a tree before pouncing at me. I fought against it, barely noticing when it bit my shoulder, barely. 

A car stopped nearby causing the beast to retreat... odd. But I was thankful. I decided to hide away from the people, just incase. Just before leaving, I heard it... the loud howl. 

And with that I knew. I knew that my stay at Beacon was going to be everything but the normal I wished it to be... 

(A/N: Hello! Hope you enjoy my story! No need to be a silent reader, comment and vote if you want too, I love reading the comments and most likely will respond to them as well. I do story requests for people active on my stories or my followers, so if you are either one of them and want a story, let me know privately and I'll see what I can do for you.) 

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