Family Feud

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      Chapter 18: Family Feud

The police came. They were talking with Mum, Dad, and Aunt Sarah.

I don't know why they came, but Aunt Sarah told Miguel to take us upstairs. Amy though, he wanted to know what was happening, and Miguel didn't stop him. But they were talking in Spanish, and Miguel wouldn't tell us anything.

For some reason Cameron wasn't anywhere. He wasn't in his room, the kitchen, the bathroom, the livingroom, he was nowhere.

"Where's Cameron! Why are the police here?" Amy demanded.

All day Miguel looked like he was about to cry.

"Answer me!" Amy tugged on his shirt.

"I'm so sorry.." Miguel whispered.

Why was he sorry??

"What for!? Where's Cameron!? Why are there police!" Amy yelled. Amy was getting madder.

Miguel never answered. The rest of the day, the police stayed. We were told to stay in our rooms. Amy was grumbling the entire time.

"We have a right to know why the police are here!" He shouted.

Miguel sighed. "Wait here, I'll be back," he said, and he left the room.

I was just playing with Zea, until I noticed a paper on our nightstand.

"What's that?" I pointed to the paper. Amy looked up and walked over to the paper. I got up and sat next to him.

He unfolded it and his eyes flickered over the page.

Amy looked devastated.

He had the same look Miguel did in the morning.

"What- what does it mean?" I asked. I don't get it. 

"Cameron left us." Amy stated.

I flinched. "What do you mean? Cameron wouldn't leave us! He would never!" I yelled.

What was Amy saying? Cammy wouldn't just leave. Cammy loves us, he wouldn't leave. Not unless for a reason.

"The note says it all! He left us!" Amy looked so defeated.

"Even if he comes back! He's our brother! He's not supposed to leave us!" Amy sobbed. "He left, okay? Just go away.."

Cameron didn't leave us.

I took the letter and read angrily. I pointed. "Look, he says he's coming back! He didn't leave us!" Amy didn't say anything, just sat on his bed.

Cameron didn't leave us. I won't believe it. He'll come back.

    Cameron had ran away.

That morning, I woke up and found his bed empty, and his bag gone. I didn't think anything of it. They were leaving today anyways.

I was going to miss them. Especially Cameron.

I don't know why, but I feel closer to Cameron than others.

Maybe it's because we got lost with each other, or that we both loved Subway Surfers.

I felt like I could talk to him about anything. I felt like we'd known each other our entire lives. We kind of had, when we were kids.

I felt really close to him.

And I might have accidentally called him brother, but that's normal. That's totally normal. Besides we were already family anyways. So what if I think about him like he's my older brother?

It's not like it meant anything.

Except it really fucking hurt when he ran away.

I realised he was missing when I was trying to find him and say goodbye. But he wasn't anywhere. I called for him, but no response. I searched the entire house. Nothing, Nada.

I told Mama, and then she told Uncle Benjamin and Aunt Francois.

Mama and Uncle Benjamin fought for an entire 30 minutes. Uncle Benjamin wanted to leave, leave when his own kid was missing!

Is he not worried at all? Cameron is gone! And all his stuff is gone! And all he's worried about is his plane flight.

Eventually Mama called the police and they came over. They investigated, asked questions. Mama told me to take Amy and Austin upstairs.

Amy kept on demanding answers from me. I didn't know how to tell them what had happened. How do I tell them their brother ran away?

I hope Cameron is okay..

Cameron ran away, but why?

Why would he run away?

I mean, all the questions about running away and forms of abuse- plus the fact I haven't seen his papa or mama say a word to him, any of them might mean something.

It probably does mean something.

I'm so stupid, I should have said something. I could have stopped him. The police are here, and they probably want answers as to why Cameron would run away. And I possibly, might have the answers to the officers questions.

But I can't leave Amy, Austin and Zea here.

I could say I'm using the restroom?

I told them I'd be back and went downstairs.

I saw Mama and Cam's parents talking to the police.

(just pretend they're speaking Spanish)

"It seems like he left willingly, do you have any idea of why he might have left willingly?" Officer #1 asked.

"No I don't know, he seemed happy with us.." auntie whispered.

The officer looked at all of them.

It's my turn to speak I guess.

"Uh, I think I know-" I started.

"What? Miguel why are you here? You're supposed to be upstairs, with your cousins," Mama looked upset.



Mama, Uncle Benjamin, and Auntie looked surprised.

Uncle Benjamin's surprise quickly morphed into anger.

In the hallway stood a tall man.

He was very pale, his hair a dirty blond. His hair was put into a short ponytail too. He had blue eyes and looked very young. He wore a green and black jacket over a white tee, and a pair of jeans.

The thing that stood out the most though was the 4 leaf clover necklace around his neck.



Craft stop being meannnn. I already know you're gonna point out all my mistakes :(

Anyways, this chapter was hard to write. I was stuck on it for a while and I ended up writing the chapter after this. I'm kind of happy about this chapter. 

Hope you guys like it.

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