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   Chapter 20: Bakery

I woke up to heavy panting and a weight on me.

I groaned and blearily blinked my eyes.

A figure loomed over me. I blinked frantically, rubbing my eyes.

Oh, it's just Dog.

Dog got off me and jumped off the bed. I sat up and got out of bed. I took my bad and went inside the restroom. I brushed my teeth, and my hair (which hurt incredibly). I washed my face and walked out.

I didn't know what to do so Dog and I just went outside the room. I looked around and saw through the window it was still dark.

"Cameron? What are you doing up?" I spun around and saw Perri down the hallway.

She had changed already and was wearing an apron.

"I woke up and.. and I just came out.." I mumbled.

"Oh, well come down stairs with me, you can pick out breakfast," she walked towards the door and led me downstairs.

Pick my breakfast?

She led me downstairs where I saw pastries put up. Perri walked over to the cabinets and pulled out a plate. She handed it to me telling me to pick out what I wanted.

"I-" I started. She looked back confused. "How much money do you need?" I asked.

"What? This is on me, don't worry just take what you'd like," she started to wipe the counter.

... she just, she's giving me free food?

I looked over all the pastries and chose a les crêpes.

I awkwardly looked around before finding a table and sitting down. I hesitantly took a bite and it was so so good.

This is amazing, I need more. I thought while munching on a les crêpes.

At that moment, I just realised what happened yesterday.

I accepted a random persons offer to stay at their house for the night. A random person who might be a murderer. What if they murder stupid teens who say yes to coming to their house. What if they poison them with delicious pastries.

I set down the half eaten les crêpes on the plate. My mind was running through a million scenarios. She might drug me, and then kill me. Or poison, what if she's in the kitchen and grabs a knife and attacks me? What if she brings in children on the streets and then kills them and bakes them into pastries!? The pastries did not look so good anymore.

Just then she came in holding a plate of some meat(beef I think) and came over and set it next to dog who sniffed it before devouring it.

Does she eat dogs too??

Why am I thinking of this, she doesn't eat children. Or dogs. I hope.

Perri smiled at Dog and pet his head. "Do you like it?" She asked in French. I nodded.

"Hm, well I'm glad, oh I brought your bag down. Come by whenever and I mean whenever, even at 3pm," she smiled warmly at me. "My bakery opens at 7 usually, and closes at 9 at night. You'll be able to reach me easier during those times. Oh, maybe you'll meet him," she rambled. Him? Who's him? "I'm sure you two will get along. Back to what I was saying, drop by anytime," she said.

"Thank you for taking me in for the night, I'll come back soon," I thanked. She grinned and walked into the back.

Okay, let's go, I don't want to find out if she eats children or not.

I need to stop thinking like that.

I searched the room and found my bag on the counter up at the register. I grabbed it and looked inside.

Everything is still there.

"Come on, let's go," I told Dog. Dog looked up from his bowl and followed me out the door.

Speeding down the sidewalk I took in my surroundings. Perri hadn't killed me, so that was a plus, and perhaps I could visit her bakery sometime.

"Bet you'd like that Dog, you seemed to like her food," I mumbled to myself, but Dog still barked happily. "But first let's go find our alleyway,"


I know it's not Saturday but I'm bored and I'm writing chapter 23 right now and that's where the fun part is. So to hurry up this story I have posted this chapter.

I also have an announcement, I'm going to try out new book covers. You guys tell me, oh I liked number 1, number 2, or number 3, or how many I put out. There will be a different one every week.

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